Fellow Ausfishers, I seek your advice, knowledge and experience- PLEASE, I know this might be a bit long winded but I need to explain my situation.
Firstly I have a 3 litre diesel 4x4 2000 model hilux with an N70ZZ battery.
I use a 500 watt inverter for powering all sorts of things including lights and a TV/DVD player and take 3 little kids (4-6 years old) and a missus. For the past 20 years I have been using a 40 litre Chescold 3 way fridge and for the lat 10 years an 85 litre evakool esky to keep food and fish cold for periods up to a week whilst away.
Since we need more cold room space I am contemplating buying either an 85 litre or 110 litre Evakool fridge/freezer and probably a 100 amp hour absorbed glass matt deep cycle battery rigged up in to a box so you can take it out of the car.
In years past (and even now) I have taken the fridge out of the car and hooked up the gas for when we are out fishing or driving around and can be confident that everything will continue to run nicely while I am out and about.
I like that arrangement and would like to set things up and leave them in the camp for a couple of days before having to recharge the deep cycle by probably bunging the battery back in the car for a tour and recharging the battery.
I can't afford and don't really want solar power and all the associated stuff but would appreciate peoples opinions on the implicatios of a removable battery and where it could be mounted to power a new fridge.
Appreciate your thoughts
Craig in the V-Sea