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Thread: Mums Sweetlips

  1. #1

    Mums Sweetlips

    The weather was good for a change.
    Left the leads at about 10 am.
    Arrived at the fishing spot at about 11.15am.

    While i set up Dees line,
    my mate put his line over and hooked up to a nice fish straight away.
    This looks promising i thought.
    We didn't bother anchoring.
    We fished on the drift for about an hour and a half,
    for some nice fish.

    Dee was fishing with a hand line,
    shes not used to fishing with an 50 pound hand reel with no
    But managed a few nice fish.

    Anyway The owner of the boat
    had been given another spot off someone,he couldn't remember who.
    He said we should head back in and try it out on the way.
    He had never fished it before.

    so we stopped there on the way back and
    Dee hooked a huge grassy sweetlip that gave her a bit of a hiding,
    she gave me the reel and made me pull it
    She also got nice parrot.

    Me and this other fellow got a few nice fish there.
    We threw alot of good size smaller fish back,
    We also got tuned up with these huge trigger fish.

    So after about 45 minutes fishing there, he said
    lets get out of here these trigger fish are taking up to much time. lol
    They fight hard when there huge like that.

    So what now?
    Well let's head further back in and try another spot.
    on the way.

    We fished this last spot and done ok there as well.
    Every spot produced fish.
    We must have picked the right day for fishing.

    Anyway to cut a long story short,
    we cleaned the boat up abit and put the fish in the ice box.
    had some dinner.

    We were about to set sail for home at about 3pm.
    But guess what my rod still had a bait on it.
    hang on i'll lose this last bait before we hit the track.
    I dropped my line in and Bang away it went,
    This feels ok i thought.
    I got it up beside the boat.
    I said oh no we can't go anywhere now.

    Why what's wrong he said? as he turned around.
    And i lifted a nice snapper out of the water.

    Quick get that bait back out i said.
    We've hit the jackpot.

    They, Him and Dee wouldn't give me any more bait,
    my eyes went in search of any bait left on the floor,
    something, anything, couldn't find any bait anywhere.

    So like a little boy who had lost his icecream,
    I was left standing on the back of the boat looking at the spot
    as we set sail for home.

    We will go back there next time. He said.

    So a good time was had by all,
    and yes,
    Dee caught the biggest fish again.

  2. #2

    Re: Mums Sweetlips

    Great catch there spin
    Beautiful lippers good sized fella's. We use cut off 10 speed tubes on our index fingers when using handline's works a treat,.
    CALL SIGN : JT OR SC552(social club member)

    There is a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot

    I wonder how much deeper the ocean would be without sponges

    Up here we Use Hussar as baits for real RED FISHS (SHSIIFDER)

  3. #3

    Re: Mums Sweetlips

    Good fish there spin i would'v cut the fuel line while the skip wasn't lookin , i hate it when that happens.....BOB

  4. #4

    Re: Mums Sweetlips

    Hey Spin,

    Beautiful colour in that alot. Nice sized grassies. Great work mate!


  5. #5

    Re: Mums Sweetlips

    Quote Originally Posted by buhky62 View Post
    Good fish there spin i would'v cut the fuel line while the skip wasn't lookin , i hate it when that happens.....BOB

    Mate, I hate it when the crew cuts the fuel line as well lol.

    Some nice fish there spin, I would rather the sweeties over the snap myself


  6. #6

    Re: Mums Sweetlips

    good loking mixed bag there must have been sitting on a bute peice of reef

  7. #7

    Re: Mums Sweetlips

    not to shabie

    How ya living?

  8. #8

    Re: Mums Sweetlips

    Hey Barkers Creek no offence intended just curious about this 2.5m Giant Herring of yours?? Sounds like a great catch!!

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