E craft,
which method of transom replacement do you recommend, from inside or outside.
can you explain the 16:1 ratio you mention previously.
do you do fibreglass repairs or is it just new boat building.
E craft,
which method of transom replacement do you recommend, from inside or outside.
can you explain the 16:1 ratio you mention previously.
do you do fibreglass repairs or is it just new boat building.
Hey David, I sent an email months ago to ask them if "Sea-Cast" was available in Aus. They said they were working on it.
I like the idea, but not all of the reports are great. Apparently it is heavier than a plywood transom and can also be brittle.
But for the ease of being able to just pour it in - I'd love to be able to use it.
- Ross
E dencraft, do you mean by 16:1 fillet the same as in welding where the fillet depth is "1" and the width of the tapered join is "16" ?
ie. 1mm deep and 16 mm wide in a Vee shape?
So for 6mm thick glass, the width of the tapered join would need to be 96mm??
It looks reasonable to me. (holds up fingers and imagines layers of glass)
Need to be pretty accurate with your grinding to feather the join that much!
My brain hurts.