The key broke in last weekend by the edge of the chair .Had a look today not a problem says i.Got a cheap longnose plier at super cheap,grinded it down till i could see trough it outcame a bobbypin and voila out . simple matter of 3 hours of inappropiate language and a sixpack of wild turkey.Put everything back together .put the key in and behold the fuse blown.Not a problem must be some some scrapes still in there ,out came the airgun done.Soon as key touches it again fuse blown.Hmmmm ,pull everything apart again fuse blowing out without key in it this time.WTF.Wires ok its only a year old ,every wires at the right place ,what to do- away to the dealer to order another barrel.He informs me it would be a week at least and he cant tell me the price before he orders it.Well i said go for it mate i need it ,just as i said it looked down on the old barrel and two of the pins have been pushed in .Hold it i say, into the car to fly home.By this stage the family and even my trustee dog kept his distance from me.Anyway pulled pins back put everything back together and it works like a charm.all up took me 5 hours 8 turkeys and a pack of cigarettes.So beware of the little things when you fixing thing me thinks now.