Gday guys, decided i was going for a fish thismorning despite the forecasts of 15- 20 kn winds. I have been sick from the flu for the last few days (and a bad report)but i couldnt resist wetting a line thismorning. And what a GREAT morning it was too. Once again everyone got it totally wrong. There was no wind at all early when i left viccy point. And then just a very very light notherly. Wind didnt get up untill about 11 am. And then only 5 - 10 knts of southerly. Couldnt raise anything on the plastics first up. But did find a patch of massive squid (that i thought where plastic bags floating past me. massive) put the jig on and they took turns in hitting it. But couldnt even get them to take it. Tried 3 different jigs and still nothing. .
So i decided the weather was fine and to venture around a bit into some new area's that i have never been to/ nor ever seen anyone fishing etc.. Nothing/ still nothing. Then saw a splash. motored over and BAM big patch of reef with like big deep sandy holes in the middle. And the water was soo clear in 2.5 metres of water. I could see schools of 3 and 4 big squire swimming around!! They where a greyish colour but the profile and spots gave them away and they where everywhere. First placcy hit the water and 2 seconds later zzzzzz. Couldnt stop it... and it busted me off on the reef. Same thing 3 more times With them bitting me through/reef till i got a smaller model and landed him. YAY!!! the call was made to only keep 40+cm and hook ups as soon as it hit the water. (ive never seen my line go so fast through the water). They where on drugs these fish!! Or go to the gym. But way more active than normal. HARD TO FIND THE SCHOOL!! But i bagged out in 40 min. With a nice 1 at about 56cm (ill have to get a bigger ruler) that i decided to let go back at the boat ramp and just keep the 4 pan size ones. Didnt matter at all what placcy or jig head. As i didnt even get to put an action on it. All where taken on the drop after it hit the water. And i swear 1 of them almost jumped out of the water and caught it in flight. Didnt even get the bail arm over and the braid cut me up.
So theyre still out there boys... Happy hunting...
fish where caught at about 10am, and as soon as the wind changed direction they went off the bite... Even when i could still see them.