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Thread: Is The TFPQ ???

  1. #31

    Red face Re: Is The TFPQ ???

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy View Post


    it is so easy to criticise others for not doing things right, but the same people rarely if ever propose an alternative or are prepared to get off their butts and do something constructive.

    Maybe things could have been done better, but TFPQ and TFP have achieved a hellofalot in the past 3 years, and without them we would be a long way behind where we are now.

    Answer to the first of your questions KC, why only 1200 members = APATHY. Sad fact of life.

    Hey Jeremy,

    I hope you don't think my comments are aimed as a knock of anyones efforts. I didn't really know of the existance of the party until the past 6 months or so through this website. I am merely trying to understand where I, as a simple hobby fisherman, can help. If I am inciting others then that is not my intention and I hope you see it that way but I come from both a sporting background and a business background and am trying to use principles I have learnt over the years there to this.


  2. #32

    Re: Is The TFPQ ???

    Quote Originally Posted by kc View Post

    No Newsletters recently....simple answer... no money! The administration of the party for the last few years has been paid for out of individual pockets..can't keep happening.

    The industry which lives of "us" has to pay its way!
    As you can imagine, there are a number of issues from your post that I am tempted to quote on, but I will limit myself to the two above. The following are only my opinions and forgive me if I am covering ground that has already been covered.

    TFPQ may not have as many financial resources as they would like, but that does not stop newsletters being emailed to the members who have freely given their email addresses to the Party for the express purpose of being kept informed of Party activities. The higher the level of communication, the more important the Members feel to the Party and therefore the more likely they are to put their hands up to help, or in their pocket to further support the Party. I know that when I receive email copies of the newsletter, I print extra copies to put on the shop counter for anyone who is interested in taking one - AND THEY DO!

    With reference to the Industry paying its way, I believe that TFPQ's greatest asset are the smaller retailers whose entire livelihoods are tied up in the marine and fishing industries. It is these businesses who have freely donated products, services and funds in the past - give them a reason to continue and expand your support base. It may be more administrative and time consuming than a couple of big corporate donations, but every little bit helps.

    In recent posts you have encouraged us to direct our efforts towards the local lobby groups to fight for us in Moreton Bay, as a result funds that may have been directed to TFPQ have now gone in a different direction - the direction of those fighting for our local issues.

    Regards Shane
    Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent genius will not; un-rewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone is omnipotent."

  3. #33
    Ausfish Bronze Member luigi's Avatar
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    Dec 2002

    Re: Is The TFPQ ???

    G’day KC, thanks for your post which, as ever, makes interesting reading.

    I would like to comment on the following extracts from your post:

    “No Newsletters recently....simple answer... no money! The administration of the party for the last few years has been paid for out of individual pockets..can't keep happening. The industry which lives of "us" has to pay its way!

    Not enough communication....agree. We need to do more...I need to do more..this is and will remain our biggest issue.

    Why are we only 1200 members? Are the numbers that are supposed to fish a "crock" or are they just not interested?

    Why does the industry, which lives of "us" not care enough to pay its way?”

    I would suggest that all of the above matters could be put into the same or similar basket & that is, a lack of exposure within the rec fishing industry, fishers, general public & of course, the media. Without this exposure TFPQ will be pushing the proverbial up-hill.

    Whilst funding or the lack thereof has a large bearing on TFPQ’s ability to expand & be effective, I reckon that there are ways to communicate which don’t cost heaps of money – just a bit of time and effort.

    For example, instead of physical Newsletters, consideration could be given to the regular production of an e-mail type “News Bulletin” electronically forwarded to all party members & posted on this and other appropriate forums. As well as news & policy matters, a simple request should be included asking party & forum members to on-forward a copy of the news bulletin to any people or institution they feel may be interested.

    It will cost bugger-all & is better than what’s been the case of late.

    Just my 2 bobs worth.

    Cheers - Lou

    Timber lures - just bung 'em in the water mate & hang on !!!

  4. #34
    Ausfish Platinum Member Adamy's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Re: Is The TFPQ ???

    Quote Originally Posted by Shane Boese View Post

    With reference to the Industry paying its way, I believe that TFPQ's greatest asset are the smaller retailers whose entire livelihoods are tied up in the marine and fishing industries.

    In recent posts you have encouraged us to direct our efforts towards the local lobby groups to fight for us in Moreton Bay, as a result funds that may have been directed to TFPQ have now gone in a different direction - the direction of those fighting for our local issues.

    Regards Shane
    So Shane are you saying that MBAA is having/had a fund raising drive targeting small business? Are you further saying that Water Tower Bait and Tackle donated to this organisation? Or was that just general kind of chitter chatter, comment, observation type stuff?

    The reason I ask is that I was unaware that MBAA was conducting any fund raising... just interested is all!


  5. #35

    Re: Is The TFPQ ???

    Quote Originally Posted by Big_Puff_Daddy View Post
    Hey Jeremy,

    I didn't really know of the existance of the party until the past 6 months or so through this website.

    i've purposely stayed outta this one due to the fact its much like the last one,,,,,, but here in a simple response and without any confliction lies what i believe to be the main problem,,,,thanks chris

    i can recall watching tele a while back and seeing a convoy of AUSFISHERS,, towing boats through the streets of brissie in protest

    followed up via a fairly impressive newspaper coverage of AUSFISHERS protesting at various venues in protest

    all was due to a threat of closing the various sections of the bay,,,, what most call THIER bay

    i can back chris with a simple but factual comment,,, the tfp/tfpq has always been quite,,,,,,ssshhhhh,,,, don't yell approach

    you have a group of people,,,, ALL with the same attitude of moving forward and trying to achieve a common goal,,,, no problems here,,, but it seems and i may digress here,,, once they have the power of the pen they in turn lay down and ,,,,,,,,,??????????,,,,,, dunno,,, they do something i'm sure

    this does not mean that ALL do,,,, it just seems the majority that i'm aware off do,,,

    BIG UNIT,, will always be passionate about this subject,,, i've read dozens of posts here and on other boards where he voices,,, and they always have the same bombastic effect,,,, (thats a compliment james,,,,, )

    seriously though,,, why is it that the party as a whole voices itself when help is needed and then turns off,,,, if members are a problem,,,, don't be afraid to say so,,, if funds are a problem,,, raise the hand,,,,, and so forth,,,,

    i find it strange that we voice these things over and over and cannot find a simple outcome,,,,, and yet we have members of ausfish who think of a simple idea and get overwhelmed by response and back up,,,,

    last election i received at least a dozen contacts from the party,,,, after the election zip,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  6. #36

    Re: Is The TFPQ ???

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy View Post


    Answer to the first of your questions KC, why only 1200 members = APATHY.

    Here is an answer for you Jeremy - Leaders must provide direction and maintain cohesion, that is unquestionably the key factor in guiding TFPQ to success in my opinion.

    A true mate will tell you what you need to hear NOT what you want to hear.

    Accept that TFPQ was poorly managed, lacked leadership in the form of direction and cohesion then go forward learn from the mistake and pole axe these green b@st@rds before they turn us all into dope smokin, tree huggin, hessian wearin, showerless stinkin feral fairies.

  7. #37
    Ausfish Platinum Member Adamy's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Re: Is The TFPQ ???

    Quote Originally Posted by choppa View Post

    last election i received at least a dozen contacts from the party,,,, after the election zip,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Hi Choppa,

    Good observations there and right on track IMO...

    Speaking from a perspective of having some experience and I sure HOPE that a few others here who have been participants in the process for different parties will also either verify my next comment or refute it...

    But in my experience your experience is fairly typical... the parties only contact you when they want something - and thats not just TFPQ - thats all parties - I used to be on another parties list - they only call when they want something.

    Imagine for a second you are a union member at this point in time - you havent heard from the union... oh maybe If you belong to one of the bigger ones - they send out that monthly mag but not physical contact... next thing you know it's nearly election time and the phone rings - but its not your union rep - no, its some lady (or guy) calling from a telemarketing centre - telling you how bad the howard Govt is and how you should vote against them at the next election... Now not "union bashing" so please dont take offence - just presenting it as a demonstration - its not just TFPQ - its everyone.

    Its endemic within the system - not that that excuses TFPQ because being a smaller party they/we should be more proactive than the rest and that fault lies both within the system and with individuals - because individuals make a system. To the extent that some of that is my fault - then I'll take that flack as well.

    One of the State executive of TFPQ once said to me about this very topic.. and I'll try not to misquote him -but in essence he said that the "strange" thing about political parties is that between elections not a whole lot really goes on. He said that yes people expect more (end of "quotes") - but you cant please them all especially with limited resources and one of those resources being time - all those guys have businesses that need to be run to - its not a professional organisation and sometimes the "activity" reflects that...

    And from experience - hes right... the majors often have a meeting every month or sometimes every quarter - but nothing really happens until its election time and then all the troops get the call up and the whole process starts again. Political party members are like sleepers - usually called up when they are needed - not nice but its just the way its been done - for the last hundred or so years anyway. Theres periods when activity is greater than others - but across the board its more during election times that the calls are made.

    Not saying its right - just an observation that, thats the way it is.

    Re your comments about TFPQ has always taken a shhh under the radar type approach.... not that I have anything to do with it - but both YES and NO. I have been there when TFPQ wanted to give other people and organisations the credit and also been there at other times when they wanted to claim all the credit and proclaim it from the rooftops and the newspapers and local press wouldnt print the parties name.... very frustrating - on both counts.

    Again - this is just my observation - not official comment.


    Last edited by Adamy; 26-06-2007 at 12:12 AM.

  8. #38

    Re: Is The TFPQ ???

    Quote Originally Posted by Big_unit View Post
    Here is an answer for you Jeremy - Leaders must provide direction and maintain cohesion, that is unquestionably the key factor in guiding TFPQ to success in my opinion.
    That is true, no question, and I am sure TPFQ people would admit that some things could have been done (alot) better at times. I resigned from the exec of the SB branch due to some of the decisions/direction coming from head office.

    But I still support TFP/TFPQ and I am still a member, and until something better comes along that I think will do a better job on behalf of rec anglers, I will still support them.

    I am certain that ultimately we all want the same thing as rec anglers - protection for our rights and a strong voice to make our point of view heard. I just do not see the point/value in criticising TFP/TFPQ for doing this job (or sitting on the fence) unless you have a better alternative. In doing so, you are just making our fight for our rights that much harder.

    This is a particularly critical year for anglers in SEQ with the MBMP review and the Federal election. We need TFP/TFPQ more than ever now. I also believe they could be doing a better job, but what they are doing is a hellofalot better than nothing.

    "The underlying spirit of angling is that the skill of the angler is pitted against the instinct and strength of the fish and the latter is entitled to an even chance for it's life."
    (Quotation from the rules of the Tuna Club Avalon, Santa Catalina, U.S.A.)

    Apathy is the enemy

  9. #39
    Ausfish Premium Member webby's Avatar
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    Aug 2001

    Re: Is The TFPQ ???

    I asked a simply question, but it seem as if some of you have greiveances or feel you have been hard done by or are just here for the BUN Fight, if so take it elsewhere.
    The Qld Coastline Fishos need all the help thats out there, and if yyou dont think we do, you better go back to being a stork and stick you head back in the sand.
    Then bring it back up when everyone else has done the fighthing for you.

  10. #40

    Re: Is The TFPQ ???

    Quote Originally Posted by webby View Post
    I asked a simply question, but it seem as if some of you have greiveances or feel you have been hard done by or are just here for the BUN Fight, if so take it elsewhere.
    The Qld Coastline Fishos need all the help thats out there, and if yyou dont think we do, you better go back to being a stork and stick you head back in the sand.
    Then bring it back up when everyone else has done the fighthing for you.
    Here here Webby.

  11. #41

    Re: Is The TFPQ ???

    I am not a member, so cannot receive any self importing correspondence from the fishing party BUT I have continued to recognize the work that has been done behing the scenes BECAUSE the results have been tabled in the media and releases.

    Who that is not simply a school yard class of bully would dismiss the only very good thing that has happened to recreational fisherman??. The list of wins due only to the fishing party is quite long and substantial, none of these would have happened without.

    The last one was the continuation in voicing the peoples dissatisfaction in parliament with dealing with the militant commonwealth department GBRMPA.

    Who today would sweep this out from under the political shag pile, if the fishing party were not in existence??

    If a person is not part of the solution they are part of the problem, they are usually easily recognised as such IMO.

    cheers fnq

  12. #42

    Re: Is The TFPQ ???

    Very true FNQ. The work done has been quite significant; it just may be that TFPQ is not high on a media agenda thus a lot of people don't understand what is being done without digging and doing some research.

    IMO if we channel the energy gone into this thread into the party and its agenda, then it could have a significant impact on the outcomes they produce.


  13. #43

    Re: Is The TFPQ ???

    Quote Originally Posted by Adamy View Post
    So Shane are you saying that MBAA is having/had a fund raising drive targeting small business? Are you further saying that Water Tower Bait and Tackle donated to this organisation? Or was that just general kind of chitter chatter, comment, observation type stuff?

    The reason I ask is that I was unaware that MBAA was conducting any fund raising... just interested is all!


    I have not made any reference to MBAA, and was replying to KC's request for input on Industry Funding for the Party. I am however a member and financial contributor to a number of Industry Bodies which I do know have made donations to organisations working towards obtaining a fair and reasonable outcome from the Moreton Bay Review.

    Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent genius will not; un-rewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone is omnipotent."

  14. #44

    Re: Is The TFPQ ???

    Quote Originally Posted by Big_Puff_Daddy View Post
    Hey Jeremy,

    I am merely trying to understand where I, as a simple hobby fisherman, can help.

    there is plenty you can do, write/e-mail your local member and voice concerns about bay closures,

    write to the editor of your local rag about a local fishing issue, don't know where you live, but if you live in a shire that has some form of fishing, comment/discuss fishing issues with your councillor- how will bay closures affect fishing related business in the shire? will the local govt be seeking compensation?, write to your local business association re the same issue,

    make sure you do some research and present things as factual as you can,

    another angle can be "the family that fishes together stays together" fight for your right as a "simple hobby fisherman" to take your kids/family/mates fishing, yes fishing must be sustainable and environmentally sensitive, are lockouts the answer? what about mangrove destruction, polution etc etc??
    all this can be done as a concerned fisho
    this raises awareness, as a concerned constituent and a responsible member of the community.

    who has the time and energy to become the newsletter editor for the tfpq?
    i would be happy to give someone an hour or so a month, but don't have the time to take on the editor job, who else is in?? completed newsletter could be emailed to state exec for approval and distribution.
    send me a pm, i will discuss further with kc and we can go from there, or kc may have other ideas on how this can be achieved

  15. #45

    Re: Is The TFPQ ???

    Thanks Dazza. I since have already started doing things like that.

    I'll send you a PM about a few things soon.


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