Thought i would share my experience with replacing the brakes & suspension on my boat trailer, it may be usefull to someone who is contemplating doing the job themselves.
My trailer is a Tinko/Redco unit, it is a single axle trailer with mechanical brakes & carries a 17ft Haines Hunter boat. I purchased the package knowing that the brakes etc, would need doing before i could get a roadworthy to transfer it into my name.
First job was to set it up on a nice flat concrete surface & raise it completly off the ground & supporting it on 4 jack stands, then remove the wheels & inspect the complete assembly to see what needs to be replaced. In my case i needed to replace the leaf springs, axles, disc's, brake cables etc, so the whole complete axle/brake assembly was removed.
Once the whole lot was removed the search began for the replacement parts, axle, springs, cables, bolts etc where no problem, but the disc rotors or Beehive's as they are called where not available any more. I managed to find a trailer parts supplier at Sumner Park who could supply something similer allthough they where bigger than the standard ones, they even came with the brackets for the brake calipers, they just needed welding on. Disc's where fitted with new wheel bearings, brackets for the calipers welding onto the axle. The new springs where then coated with some more cold gal paint as where the spring mounting points. Once the springs where fitted the bare axle was lifted onto the springs & secured with all new u-bolts & plates, both new disc's where fitted & the brake calipers recieved a good wire brushing & a liberal coating of cold gal, new pads where fitted as well. Also threw on a set of bearing buddies to make greasing the axle bearings easier. This only left the new brake cables to be done, they where attached with new mounting hardware as well. Would probably be an easier job on a newer trailer, as the availability of parts would be more abundant. All up cost was around $600, with the satisfaction of knowing the job was done properly. It stops brilliantly with the bigger disc's fitted.
Hope this helps somone out, Ark supplied the disc's, u-bolts & plates etc, Belco Trailers supplied the springs, axles, bearings, brake pads & brake cables. It took around 6-7 hours to do the whole job.