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Seaworthy Cetificates
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Thread: Seaworthy Cetificates

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member juju's Avatar
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    Seaworthy Cetificates

    While on a job today this guy was showing his boat that he is selling for $7000...
    Looking at it id say it would be mid 80s vintage...and in the price range of allot of first baot buyers......ok so there is a fair chance that the person who buys the boat will have little exp in boats...he takes it home and sets off on the sunday with the family....lets say he gets pulled over by teh water the case of this boat the life jackets whilst looking good (still in the original plastic bags) would not cover him in the bay there he gets a fine.......his fault for not checking the regs ...yep sure....but what about the outboard?...could ahve some probelm...dies on him and he has to be towed back in.........he might have even ran out to moreton, ......broke down on the way back to bribie say. in a 4 foot thing hes up on the banks where gilligans isl used to be....why because his anchor only had about 30 feet of 6mm rope attached to 1 mt of dog chain...
    Now if the boat had to have a certificate for sale these thing could be clearly pointed not saying that it should fall on the seller to have to get the work done...let the buyer be know that when he wants to register the boat he will need to produce evidence that it meets a min standard.........i reckon a certificate every 5 years on all boats with the rego renewal would be a good thing.......i maker for the government, and the boat dealers.....but if some of the money rasied by the certificates went back into the VMR say everyone would benifet..
    The 5 year bit could become part of a normal service....
    Just think of the number of what are really unsafe boats that you see, if they were cars would they be on the road...
    Just something to think about...
    ..Greg...."Termites pay the bills"..... Trailcraft 475...75 Hp E-Tec

  2. #2
    Ausfish Silver Member Brumby's Avatar
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    Re: Seaworthy Cetificates

    No way, I go out on the water to get away from officialdom!

    Seriously though, the law is a pretty blunt instrument for enforcing that uncommon quality - common sense. I reckon you will end up with all sorts of unintended consequences, just to cater for the odd idiot who doesn't check things properly.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member juju's Avatar
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    Re: Seaworthy Cetificates

    As i said juts throwing it out there as a the world we live in now where someone has to be held for blame about everything and how you cant do this and cant do that...its a wonder it hasnt been put forward by a office dude trying to justify his position.......would be some merrit in it.....but it would sure stir things up a bit...
    ..Greg...."Termites pay the bills"..... Trailcraft 475...75 Hp E-Tec

  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Seaworthy Cetificates

    Cant make laws for everything that people do (stupid or not)

    If the government wont make cars get a roadworthy every year, you've got two chances of getting them for a boat.
    People die from unroadworthy cars allot more than from unseaworthy boats.
    Not a bad idea though, just cant see it ever happening.
    I personally check my gear every second major trip.

    Just my opinion


  5. #5
    Ausfish Silver Member Brumby's Avatar
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    Re: Seaworthy Cetificates

    Quote Originally Posted by juju View Post
    As i said juts throwing it out there as a the world we live in now where someone has to be held for blame about everything and how you cant do this and cant do that...its a wonder it hasnt been put forward by a office dude trying to justify his position.......would be some merrit in it.....but it would sure stir things up a bit...
    Mate, couldn't agree more. I shouldn't complain too loudly, because the "blame someone" culture keeps me in beer and the boat in fuel, but it drives me nuts that any little injury, however stupid someone has been, can result in a claim. It's always the "principle" of the matter until the discussion comes down to dollars and cents.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: Seaworthy Cetificates

    Sure is something to ponder over

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member ffejsmada's Avatar
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    Re: Seaworthy Cetificates

    We've got enough rules and regulations now in every day life let alone in the boating world.
    We don't want more sh!t to contend with. Leave well alone I reckon.


  8. #8

    Re: Seaworthy Cetificates

    i strongly agree! seaworthys could only save lives! i spend a lot of time at tangalooma wrecks in summer when the storms are about and during or after the storm whilst your helping save someones boat, you here the story about how they just bought it that week and this was there first time out, and how they assumed that is ready to go and they proceed to show you the small sand anchor on telsra rope, no chain suited to a 12ft tinny in a 20 ft boat and how the bilge pump didnt work radio lights dont work and on close inspection the transom appears suspect due to the massive stainless plate preventing the motor bolts pulling thru and to top it off you ask which insurance hes with to contact because he drifted into my boat and skeg punching a hole in the side of our boat he replies i havent got any the person i bought the boat off didnt mention that! well i believe yes he should have done more research before going to see but thats the idiot factor? that will always be around! but if seaworthys existed maybe my $1800 worth of damage may not of occured? thanks cr

  9. #9

    Re: Seaworthy Cetificates

    Watch this space .... seaworthy certificates are already on the agenda of the government and will be here sometime, just a matter of when, not if.



  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Seaworthy Cetificates

    Quote Originally Posted by Grand_Marlin View Post
    Watch this space .... seaworthy certificates are already on the agenda of the government and will be here sometime, just a matter of when, not if.



    Like i said in my post the QLD goverment for some reason will not do annual roadworthies on cars. Yet they are thinking seaworthies for boats.
    It maybe same as the cars now, you only need one when selling the rig.

    Like you said its a case of watch this space i guess

  11. #11
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Seaworthy Cetificates

    I think it is a good idea, in NSW a road worthy is required each year, this keeps the slack arses off the road. People who regularly maintain their car are not really penalised except for the pink slip fee. Anything that is mechanical requires maintenance (ie a standard) for it to operate correctly and reliably. This is something that I feel is absolutely necessary for a vessel used in areas like the ocean and the bay. Whether it is stupidity ignorance or what ever the excuse is, there needs to be a "standard", because the lack of responsability of these few usually puts someone else's life in danger. MO

    Cheers Dan

  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member peterbo3's Avatar
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    Re: Seaworthy Cetificates

    Quote Originally Posted by Grand_Marlin View Post
    Watch this space .... seaworthy certificates are already on the agenda of the government and will be here sometime, just a matter of when, not if.


    Another reason to believe that those in the Govt & the relevant agency are total & absolute Di*kwits. A safety certificate for boats no less . The certificate needs to apply to the OPERATORS. Then there would be no need for a certificate relating to the boat. And not the B/S licences that are being issued at the moment.
    There is a ton of info out there relating to the safe operation of small craft. But how much enforcement happens? Not a real lot in my view. You cannot legislate for experience, common sense or to eradicate stupidity.
    So you get your B/S licence, but you are not allowed to run out & buy a 7M rocket with 250 ponies behind it. You have to serve your time with a smaller boat in a restricted area. Too hard you say. Well, that is how it works with cars & motorbikes. But safety certificates for boats......................give me a break
    ROLL TIDE, ROLL.................


  13. #13

    Re: Seaworthy Cetificates

    boat licences teach you the basics in navigation! what or who teaches you how to have a safe boat that are seaworthy? i cant believe any body would assume that all first time boaties are meant to know how to determine an unsafe boat? thats why people get away with selling heaps of crap with rotten hulls to unsuspecting people whom just dont know any better? sorry but some how the message has got to get thru and maybe seaworthys may be the cure? thanks cr

  14. #14

    Re: Seaworthy Cetificates

    Quote Originally Posted by peterbo3 View Post
    Another reason to believe that those in the Govt & the relevant agency are total & absolute Di*kwits. A safety certificate for boats no less . The certificate needs to apply to the OPERATORS. Then there would be no need for a certificate relating to the boat. And not the B/S licences that are being issued at the moment.
    There is a ton of info out there relating to the safe operation of small craft. But how much enforcement happens? Not a real lot in my view. You cannot legislate for experience, common sense or to eradicate stupidity.
    So you get your B/S licence, but you are not allowed to run out & buy a 7M rocket with 250 ponies behind it. You have to serve your time with a smaller boat in a restricted area. Too hard you say. Well, that is how it works with cars & motorbikes. But safety certificates for boats......................give me a break


    I couldnt have said it better. Its not the vessels in question most of the time, its the uneducated operators. There needs to be big reform in licensing. Doing reverse figure of eights and picking up a buoy in a 14ft tinnie is hardly conclusive of ones capability to drive a boat. And to think that 2 days of doing a powerboat course can enable one to privatly operate a vessel in excess of 60ft and however much horsepower you want, stinks !

    Before safety certs for boats, ensure the tight arse dealers selling new boat packages fit the boats out with decent safety gear. Not like a quintrex dealer who supplied me with an anchor capable of holding a canoe in a bathtup, let alone a 6m boat in swell. And make vhf's mandatory over a certain size boat. A 660 crusier whittley doesnt even come standard with a vhf for gods sake and there worth in excess of 100k.


    fish guts

  15. #15
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Seaworthy Cetificates

    Quote Originally Posted by captain rednut View Post
    boat licences teach you the basics in navigation! what or who teaches you how to have a safe boat that are seaworthy? i cant believe any body would assume that all first time boaties are meant to know how to determine an unsafe boat? thats why people get away with selling heaps of crap with rotten hulls to unsuspecting people whom just dont know any better? sorry but some how the message has got to get thru and maybe seaworthys may be the cure? thanks cr
    Sorry to keep going back to the car roadworthy tangent. IMO in QLD they don't work. People still get sold cars that are down right dangerous. this will just open up another way for "dodgy" people to make a killing out of the unsuspecting.

    If people don't know what they are looking at go out and buy things without getting them checked out by someone who does. More the fool them in my opinion.

    As i said earlier you cant legislate for idiots/ ignorance etc.

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