hey fellas just a quick report from this weekend on the trevally in noosa river, ,
saturday afternoon me and my girlfriend went out onto river for an arvo session started by drifting down the private jettys along the sound flicking some softies, picked up a nice cod and several undersized moses perch, once the sun disappeared i headed over to the bay, my girlfriend was throwing round a maniac and i was on the popper, we fished till dark without a result.
sunday arvo got a call from my girlfriends dad jeff (ffejsmada) to offer me a trip out to chase some trevally in his boat

i took up the opportunity and was on the water by 3.00pm, flicked some softies at jettys with no result, moved over to the bay and started throwing slices round, no sooner jeff was onto a fish a short time later landed a nice GT , we went a while without any action on our boat, a fly fisherman near us got hooked up to a nice GT which was great to watch, i then changed to a popper and got smashed by a greedy little big eye that really woofed my lure

, it was only a small fish but my 1st ever fish i have caught on a popper.

cheers abbot