Sorry if any offense was caused by my making light of your mental condition.Actually thought it was a joke made by the bomber.
By the way I dont believe I'm a zealot.
Nowhere, have I in seriousness,claimed that the Etec is any better than any other motor or actually a good motor at all.(only related my particular limited experience with the motor).
As you are aware,however,the topic comes up frequently and being a owner of one I add my two bobs worth and enjoy reading about the experiences of other owners and people interested in them.
I also enjoy a laugh and a bit of a joke about them.
However I cant understand why blokes like yourself get on to threads like this and with nothing at all constructive to offer moan and belittle owners of this particular engine and basically sh!t stir.
Dont you also find this a bit odd?
Mate,if you dont want to be annoyed by people and their E-Tec's maybe you should try and restrain yourself from causing offense by butting in on a thread that you know very little or nothing about.
Once again I apologize if I caused offence about your condition.