Hi Scotty

I modified my 4.35 sea jay sp to have a front storage area, the inside sits 2 fuel plastic fuel tanks (this area I should add is not 100% sealed, therefore fumes cannot build up), what I did was run a "standard" fuel line with a female fuel fitting at the tank end and mounted a male fitting at the rear of the boat, a "standard" fuel line with primer bulb then connects from the male fitting to the motor. I did this so if I wanted to use the storage space for something other than the fuel tanks I could just unplug the motor line from the male fitting and plug directly to the tank at the back.

One thing that I have found is if I plug into the starboard fuel tank (the fuel line runs the length of the starboard side) then the fuel line comes out of the tank and "droops" down (the extra length needed to connect to the port side fuel tank) all is fine, when I plug into the port fuel tank (and therefore have no "droop") the fuel flow does not keep up and the engine will cut out. It seems that the "droop" acts as a siphon. This has never really bothered me to date, I just swap the tanks around and all is fine, I probably should have increased the size of the fuel line, not sure I may get around to looking at it one day…..