Went to mud this morning 2 am would you beleive for something different to do ,the run from nudgee beach was pitch black no moon nothing thank god for the g.p.s funny how the eyes adjust in the dark ,got there about 2.30 am tried a few placcies no luck so thought i would go to the darkside and use the stinky stuff squid,pillies ,and mullet no luck at all changed spots twice tried different combos of sinkers and hooks ,still not a bite . It was blowing a good 15knts a bit uncomfortable to say the least ,the moon came up as a small cresent about 4am which gave me some natural light ,still no bites . About 5 .30 got a bit of light over the horizon tied some placcies back on the sounder started to show a lot more action on the fcv620 first drop smashed tried to bring him up but after a couple ofvicious head shakes the tho 10lb fluro snapped rerigged in a hurry now i had some light to see the old eyes are starting to let me down , anyway after that it was on must have pulled 20 snaps this mornig with some blistering runs ended up keeping 4 fish one went 62cm one at 52cm and 2 at45 put heaps of legal ones back went of the chew about 7.30 had a great time i will try and post a photo of the 62 on yhe brag mat as the misses wouldnt come with me last night ,early start early finish back at boat ramp as it was just starting to glass off ..........