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Thread: DI Sneaky Sunday Morning

  1. #1

    DI Sneaky Sunday Morning

    Had a bit of a sneaky fish around Wide Bay Bar Sunday morning in that 20 knots of NWer. Started out puss and slowly went SW then dropped out to nothing. Never more than 7 miles from the bar and did a heap of looking over old proven marks and dropping the pick here and there. Picked away at em and putting together a good feed. Finally found a good show and kept swinging off it each time the wind dropped out and the current took over. Had about five drops on it and finally gave up and burleyed the Snaps in. Bagged out on them and shook a few off at the side of the boat with plastic accounting for about 80% of them, good feed of Parrot, Grassys and one Moses, one Pearlie and the 2 AJs. Lost other good fish to sharks, hooked sharks and maybe lost a good Cobe we think on one of the tiny soft plastic outfits after nearly getting it to the boat. Back to Gympie before the sun set.
    Nath's little boat Luke is looking at buying. That was the main reason for the trip.

    We got pinged by one of Col's boats!

    There must have been a Brisbane based fishing club out there as well.
    Luke's AJ while the wind was still up.

    Grassy with the wind dropping out.

    And finally a TGO!

    Not bad for a bit of a boat test!

  2. #2

    Re: DI Sneaky Sunday Morning

    Nice feed there Smithy. What plastics were you using?

  3. #3

    Re: DI Sneaky Sunday Morning

    Tidy catch Smithy nothing wrong with those pan size squire. Where are you bassed?
    planning the next onslaught 6.5m Profish

  4. #4

    Re: DI Sneaky Sunday Morning

    the club ..pba.

    getting in some practice for 1770 ....:-)
    "whats the time"

  5. #5

    Re: DI Sneaky Sunday Morning


    didn't matter. Gulps, Snapbacks, Assasins, twin tails, stick baits, squids - whatever.


    in the country mate.


    yep thought so. Too many of em were drifting. Gotta anchor at DI. Such small patches. Very dead on the sounder in close. Most action in 44-48m.

  6. #6

    Re: DI Sneaky Sunday Morning


    What make of boat mate! A little hard to pick from the pick How did it go ?


    Ps you seemed to put to gether a feed.

  7. #7

    Re: DI Sneaky Sunday Morning

    G day smithie good feed there ha,not a bad looking little boat 4 luke.We will have to t up that trip soon

  8. #8

    Re: DI Sneaky Sunday Morning


    CCC Cat. Actually a Haysu cat or whatever they are with aeroplane foils between the sponsons so they lift up way out of the water. Went well. Surprisingly dry for a centre conole cat. Anything would have thrown spray around in those winds early.

  9. #9

    Re: DI Sneaky Sunday Morning

    Nice catch there Rob,kill two birds with one stone hey ?

  10. #10

    Re: DI Sneaky Sunday Morning

    Nice catch Smithy,
    My bro has an early CCC, mate tough, 6mm topsides an bottom + 8mm checkerplate floor, (longboat) dead set weapon, a little wet sometimes but an awesome sea boat all round, picked it up for 12g's, what a bargain!!!!
    Well done mate,
    Cheers Jay

  11. #11

    Re: DI Sneaky Sunday Morning

    Yeh we fished Fraser out of Scotty's 5800 series mono CCC. Awesome headsea boat for alloy and he had tabs to make it better. A bit dodgier downsea but we got it worked out moving all the eskies and spare bodies down the back as well as a heap more than normal out trim. The little cat loved a heap of out trim as well.

  12. #12

    Re: DI Sneaky Sunday Morning

    Great stuff and a nice bag there

    cheers dave

  13. #13

    Re: DI Sneaky Sunday Morning

    top looking feed youse scored rob,
    even better no more than 7 miles out !
    cheers dale

  14. #14

    Re: DI Sneaky Sunday Morning

    Small world it seems as you've snapped us in my old mans new Fisher boat whilst we had it out for its' maiden voyage running the donk in. Can't wait to get out there more often in this boat after having been used to a 14ft Clarke for the last 20 years.

    Wish all days would turn out like that one.


  15. #15

    Re: DI Sneaky Sunday Morning

    Not a bad boat test , well done

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