I will go back to the start for you BAT..you said "breeding fish"...that no one should take breeding fish...I then said I would hazard a guess that 99.9% of fish are breeding fish...maybe some have not reached maturity yet but breeding fish nonetheless..no research required at all for a guess...but I suppose you should never fish again if you are against catching breeding fish...fresh fish.,..breeding or not...yummmmmmmmmmmmmmm. There are plenty of fish around...bag and size limits seem to be working ok...as for the fragile environment....just go here :
http://greens.org.au/action/join/ and follow the links..that should make you happy.
I caught 16 fish on Thursday night..looks like I will have to head off to Fishermans Anonymous and stand and recite: I am PinHead and I catch fish..as I hang my head in shame.
not bloody likely.