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Thread: Wello/Green...more boats than fish!!

  1. #31

    Re: Wello/Green...more boats than fish!!

    Some good points have been expressed and after all whats better than a debate in a public forum, however, the key message in today's society is sustainablitiy for the future. With the current rate of fishing (like the water crisis and urban development) there is going to be nothing left for my kids to catch in the future. My personal experience comes from many sources; friends, Dad my local Wellington Point Marine expert and most of all my own willingness and desire to know that I have a spot that no one else knows about. I want to be able to see my kid's faces light up with excitement just like mine did the first big fish i got. I don't go and brag to other people about what I got, where I got it and exactly with what I got it with, because then it is not going to be my personal experience anymore. To all the people who think that their fishing adventure was unique because you bagged out, guess how many other people do that without telling everyone about it! It isn't that special you know. (You also neeed to remember the kid at school with all the lollies, after he shared them all out nobody wanted to be his friend anymore cos they got what they wanted)

    Just another perspective
    Last edited by midnight_run; 12-06-2007 at 10:08 PM.

  2. #32

    Re: Wello/Green...more boats than fish!!

    That will be my last report, holy sh!t

  3. #33

    Re: Wello/Green...more boats than fish!!

    Quote Originally Posted by beefaman View Post
    That will be my last report, holy sh!t
    LOL , See what you started!!!!!
    Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. But ,flogging him into submission will result in him taking up crabbing.... and once he gets a taste of that sh*t, well, he may never return again.

  4. #34

    Re: Wello/Green...more boats than fish!!

    Bloody Hell you could $HIT gold nuggets and some people would complain LOL

    It's a shame I am made to feel guilty about catching a few fish at Wello and sharing a happy experience on my first bag out even though comments are not directly in my post
    Peter :cool:

  5. #35
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Re: Wello/Green...more boats than fish!!

    Quote Originally Posted by midnight_run View Post
    Some good points have been expressed and after all whats better than a debate in a public forum, however, the key message in today's society is sustainablitiy for the future. With the current rate of fishing (like the water crisis and urban development) there is going to be nothing left for my kids to catch in the future. My personal experience comes from many sources; friends, Dad my local Wellington Point Marine expert and most of all my own willingness and desire to know that I have a spot that no one else knows about. I want to be able to see my kid's faces light up with excitement just like mine did the first big fish i got. I don't go and brag to other people about what I got, where I got it and exactly with what I got it with, because then it is not going to be my personal experience anymore. To all the people who think that their fishing adventure was unique because you bagged out, guess how many other people do that without telling everyone about it! It isn't that special you know. (You also neeed to remember the kid at school with all the lollies, after he shared them all out nobody wanted to be his friend anymore cos they got what they wanted)

    Just another perspective
    In SE Qld, that is one hell of a dream...every square inch of water has been fished in this area for many many years.

    GW..don't worry about it...keep fishing and exploring.

    Damn...looks like I will have to go offshore with my boat...there goes the good weekends.

  6. #36

    Re: Wello/Green...more boats than fish!!

    Great White, i don't think anyone is bagging you here. Certainly not me. If you read back carefully i think you should see that.

    Pinhead, you would have to go to New Zealand to make us happy.
    Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. But ,flogging him into submission will result in him taking up crabbing.... and once he gets a taste of that sh*t, well, he may never return again.

  7. #37
    Ausfish Platinum Member T1's Avatar
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    Re: Wello/Green...more boats than fish!!

    Holy sh%t batman! I've tried to resist the temptation to respond but this post has got the better of me! NO offence is intended to anyone on this post but i think some people need to be a bit more open minded and not be so quick to make hasty judgements!

    Yes! exploring is a TOP idea - if you have the means! I was restricted to land based fishing for years until i was finally able to get myself set up with a rig. Now my rig is an 'old' one that has let me down on occasions. Hence, my confidence at night is minimal to say the least and the close isles like Wello/Green offer an ideal spot to get out there and do what i love to do most without being too worried about being stranded far from shore! There are a lot of people with small vessels that are more suited to these areas and hence the volume that is there! I'd love to go out further and i will once i have a newer reliable rig! Think about this! What about all those that do a regular pilgramage to Fraser every year and have for years? Are they any better or worse than those who fish a particular spot regularly?

    As for people bragging about bagging out, contrary to some opinions, it doesn't happen often and some (within their rights) are very happy to report this! Isn't this what this site is all about? When i joined this site over a year ago, fellow AF'ers were very warming to these people and shared their joy! Now it appears that if you report a bagout, you should and will be ostracised ! Maybe if you've got nothing nice to say, don't say it!! The 'Reports' section is for exactly that! FISHING REPORTS! And if that means reporting a bagout, because that's what happened, then that's what its there for! Perhaps it should be renamed SANITISED REPORTS? I know a few fellow AF'ers who used to post regularly but now don't for fear of being 'bashed'! Shame really! I can just see 'attractive' reports going missing sooner rather than later because quite frankly, why would one want to subject themselves to this?!

    As for those who don’t believe it still takes a bit of knowledge, nous and skill to catch fish, well all I can say is that you guys must be deadest guru’s! Because you can sit at a ramp and watch the amount of people coming in fishless and then spot someone who knows what they are doing and you’ll see that they’ve managed to pull fish out when no-one else has! That to me requires knowledge, nous and skill! Not everyone that goes to Wello/Green/Mud comes back with a regular feed of fish!

    As for the argument about it being a sport, well some are within their rights to do so while others are within their rights to catch a feed within the legal set limits! I for one refuse to buy fish from the shops and will only eat fish that I have caught! And I will continue to do so, so long as the law permits me to! If that is offensive to people, then stiff! I am not doing anything illegal! In fact, I have my own minimum’s, as GW and TINN will attest to. I don’t subscribe to the golf ball analogy either – I play golf for exercise – I fish to eat! It’s like saying I have a lounge suite to sit on but I don’t crap on it! Well of course i don't, that's why i have a toilet... Apples with apples!

    As for Snapper size/age (for info):

    6 years: 27-47 cm, average 42 cm
    7 years: 33-56 cm, average 49 cm
    8 years: 46-63 cm, average 54 cm
    10 years: 46-66 cm, average 57 cm
    12 years: 52-71 cm, average 61 cm

    Again, as I stated earlier, I am not intending to offend anyone and hope I haven’t but perhaps it’s that everyone thinks differently as everyone is entitled to – but we shouldn’t judge, bag and ostracise because we don’t agree with someone’s opinion or methods (unless completely immoral or illegal of course)…

    Take Care T
    Last edited by T1; 13-06-2007 at 08:50 AM.
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  8. #38

    Re: Wello/Green...more boats than fish!!

    Dieter my friend buddy old pal that is a bit harsh given that i am not a malicous person and never have been as those who know me will vouch for! Yes i was trying to be funny and I think I am and if you misread that, that is your problem - i'm sure if Midnight viewed it as 'malicous sarcasm' he would take it up with me personally! So don't label me when you don't know me! You're a Gold member so i assume you will have seen enough of my posts to know that i am NOT sarcastically malicous, lighten up my friend and get out there and catch a fish or 2 so I have something good to say about you.

    I will have to agree with T1 a year ago things where much friendlier on Aus fish now it seems that if you catch to many fish your bad if you give advice that is a big no no if you tell people where you caught them then that is also a no no and the list goes on. I thought we were meant to share valueble info on this site

    I think I will stick to the old favourite song they say why don't you go to Mud and I said No No No, Why don't you tell us where you got them and I said no no no, Share some info with me please and I said no no no. Post up your results for others to read I said no no no. It will only be photos from now on and I said yes yes yes
    It's all part of the fishing experience

  9. #39

    Re: Wello/Green...more boats than fish!!

    Yup, that's right Sunshine,don't know you from a bar of soap. Only ever seen a few of your posts in the reports section. But i do know something. You were trying to be funny alright. But at the expense of another af member. I'd bet my left nut that we wouldn't have heard boo out of you unless your old mate T1 hadn't already posted a reply. You'd be the little kid in the school yard who'd stand back and watch a kid get beatup, then run in from behind and throw a rotten apple at him. Don't bullshit me sunshine, old buddy, old pal.
    Now, go finish your fruit loops and be a good boy today.
    Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. But ,flogging him into submission will result in him taking up crabbing.... and once he gets a taste of that sh*t, well, he may never return again.

  10. #40
    Ausfish Platinum Member alleycat's Avatar
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    Re: Wello/Green...more boats than fish!!

    Quote Originally Posted by T1 View Post
    As for the argument about it being a sport, well some are within their rights to do so while others are within their rights to catch a feed within the legal set limits! I for one refuse to buy fish from the shops and will only eat fish that I have caught! And I will continue to do so, so long as the law permits me to! If that is offensive to people, then stiff! I am not doing anything illegal! In fact, I have my own minimum’s,
    Take Care T

    No offence i'ntended but shooting passenger pidgeons and elephants was a sport as well, but was unsustainable at the rate they shot them, i honestly feel the way we haul snapper out of the bay is unsustainable at current rates conscidering the amount of sutable habitat they have.

  11. #41
    Ausfish Bronze Member OB1's Avatar
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    Re: Wello/Green...more boats than fish!!

    Everyone should take a step back here and not take things so personally. Nearly all on this site would agree that the underlying issue is keeping our fishing areas sustainable for the future. We are the ones that are in a position to do something about this. How many fish do you need for a feed? Two fish at say 40 cm would feed a whole family - if there's 2 people fishing you could take 4 and feed both families.

    Bag limits, miminum sizes - these are the things we should be embracing - it doesn't stop you catching and enjoying a fish that is 38cm on light gear, or catching 5 fish over 50cm and taking photos. Slot limits on flathead have been hugely successful with far more large fish being caught in the last few years - maybe that's another consideration.

    The general feeling amongst the posts is that our fishing areas may be fished out - it doesn't matter how this feeling manifests itself. But we need to be the ones to take responsibility to ensure it doesn't happen - whether that is a self imposed bag limit/size or lobbying the government to take action.



  12. #42

    Re: Wello/Green...more boats than fish!!

    Mmm interesting thread to say the least. Getting a little bitchy, we are certainly passionate people here on af. I think i may go fish St Helina on Friday.


  13. #43

    Re: Wello/Green...more boats than fish!!

    I thought this was a fishing web site but I am wrong.

    Dieter: Looks Like you would have lost your left nut and I like weet bix not fruit loops

    So much crying going on I think I will have to join in the crying
    It's all part of the fishing experience

  14. #44
    Ausfish Platinum Member alleycat's Avatar
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    Re: Wello/Green...more boats than fish!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tinn View Post
    I thought this was a fishing web site but I am wrong.

    Dieter: Looks Like you would have lost your left nut and I like weet bix not fruit loops

    So much crying going on I think I will have to join in the crying

    Come on tin!! big smile mate!! there is a bit of feeling in this debate and its not intended to offend the good fellas like yourself.

  15. #45
    Ausfish Platinum Member T1's Avatar
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    Re: Wello/Green...more boats than fish!!

    ALLEY, i agree with you about sustainable habitats - i don't see any reason why more artificial reefs can't be created in the bay, but then i guess you'd have the tree huggers up in arms about introducing pollution to the bay! You can't win but i'd certainly support your idea if you decided to take it further!

    Gee TINN, so it was you all those years throwing those apples laced with fruitloops at my sparring partners... Funny stuff DIETER but lighten up a little man! TINN is one of the nicest guys you'd ever want to meet and he's never offended anyone... It's a real pity people don't have a sense of humour anymore...

    Take Care T
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