Some good points have been expressed and after all whats better than a debate in a public forum, however, the key message in today's society is sustainablitiy for the future. With the current rate of fishing (like the water crisis and urban development) there is going to be nothing left for my kids to catch in the future. My personal experience comes from many sources; friends, Dad my local Wellington Point Marine expert and most of all my own willingness and desire to know that I have a spot that no one else knows about. I want to be able to see my kid's faces light up with excitement just like mine did the first big fish i got. I don't go and brag to other people about what I got, where I got it and exactly with what I got it with, because then it is not going to be my personal experience anymore. To all the people who think that their fishing adventure was unique because you bagged out, guess how many other people do that without telling everyone about it! It isn't that special you know. (You also neeed to remember the kid at school with all the lollies, after he shared them all out nobody wanted to be his friend anymore cos they got what they wanted)
Just another perspective