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there two line you can go down ,if you are using above 20 lbs mono anything under 20 lbs you can use a setup that will give more distance by using smaller guides starting with a 20 striper and either 16 or 12 chocker ,the the chocker guide is the second up from the reel ,this is where all distance is either gained or lost thru bad placement ,that is why its called a chocker guide smoth line flow thru this guide is where all distance is gained from in building technology ,all other guides are set from this point ,(IE high or low mount guides come in to play more so with an alvey ,getting those big coils of line under control as soon as you can will give increased distance ) there was a cast done in comp a few years back that went 204 mts with a 4ozs lead and alvey,the largest guide was a 16 ,big guide to deal with large line loops is old school ,with all my alvey setup i dont use swivels for line twist as i dont suffer from it ,
on the other line of thought if you were to run heavy mono you would look at a stripper in the 50 size down to a 20 tip ,this is what guide size i use on a 12 foot rod set up to cast unweighted gars on 24 kg mono 70 plus meters on a grass casting court to get the guide placment working right,
striper 50 / 40/ 30/ 25/20/ tip 20
Ive spent many years building rods for distance casting so before others start making comment on my setup rember rods built by me or my guide placements hold most Australian distance records .
i hope this can help in some way ,