It'll come to you, don't rush the decision.
My boats have had some wierd names.
SSOSFAGTIACAGWAP (said Sos-Fag-Tier-Cag-Wop)... A Pink Floyd song "Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Togethered in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict"
My current boat (and all other previous ones) are called MaJiK (the MJK are my initials.
Maybe you could personalise it by using your initials.
"sea no evil" or if it was podded "2 pod screamer"
Mirror Vision.......
Double or Nothing....
.......mmmmmmmmm beer!
a mates property had "thistledoo" on it and i always thought it would a good name for a boat, espescially if you took a long time to buy it..
mate call it MASTERBAITER. you will get a wave from everyone. cheers
Boat will be named Torque Back. Thanks for your input. Lots of good names there.
Sorry I couldnt give the beer away.