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Thread: charging?

  1. #1


    hi all
    can any one help a non mechanical fish feeder(thats me)...........Is my motor charging my battery,when i put the lights on with the motor running (during flushing)and disconect batery they stay on............! does this mean that it has a alternator and is charging

    thanks kev

  2. #2

    Re: charging?

    Which light's? Dash lights? they will run from the engine alternator through the ignition circuit, Nav lights? should no longer work. Anything can be done if one want's to.
    Just be very carefull disconnecting battery while engine is running VERY often it results in a few hundred dollars woth of new outboard parts!!

    Is your an etec? if not best to check the charging circuit now to see if it still works, ignition will but battery may not see charging (when you next connect it).

    cheers fnq

  3. #3

    Re: charging?

    The Motor Is 1980s Mariner 25hp (not Realy Sure If It Has A Alt Or Not) When I Say Disconnected It........ It Was The Vibration That Undone The Connections
    Thanks For The Help
    ;d Kev

  4. #4

    Re: charging?

    A multi meter on the battery terminals should do it. Check the volts without it running and when its running. If the volts pick up when its running theres your answer.

    Cheers Chris

  5. #5

    Re: charging?

    A motor does not need a battery to keep running at least outboards do not they have either stator, loop or cdi ignition usually. The batteries are for powering the rest of the boat and the starter motor. The outboard simply keeps that battery charged. In short the motor will be self sufficient once it is running to keep itself running.

    You can test the output of the battery charging system with a voltmeter.

    However I think you will find if you run the motor without a battery attached it can do serious damage to the rectifier for charging the battery. I was warned to never ever run my outboard without either a battery connected to the terminals or a heavy fuse to keep the circuit.


  6. #6

    Re: charging?

    ok thanks for the advice will test and keep the terminals tight

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