Thanks wery much for your replies. I am in SE queensland and was just seeing if I had overlooked any builders in my search. Fisher looks good but dont know if I want to wait as long as the list seems to be.
Thanks wery much for your replies. I am in SE queensland and was just seeing if I had overlooked any builders in my search. Fisher looks good but dont know if I want to wait as long as the list seems to be.
There is a reason the waiting list for Fishers is so long, it's because those people who do their homework and know what they want are prepared to wait to get it. There are a lot of good boats around but only some of them will suit what you want, do heaps of research, the answer will become obvious in the end. Purchase in haste, repent at leisure..
OK Sharky can't hold back. If you want to look atround at plate builders then look at this.
And then look at this link as well,
need I say more?![]()
Last edited by chainsaw; 05-06-2007 at 08:07 PM.
i always recommend the plate builder i used for my 6m.
very easy to deal with, incorporated every little change and wish i had, with no problems at all.
WA based builder, but freight was relatively cheap.
Whats a wait ...if you get what you want on a quality hull....
..Greg...."Termites pay the bills"..... Trailcraft 475...75 Hp E-Tec
Yes the wait is painful!!! but well worth it in the end. Fisher are great to work with if you know what you want.
Col as I found out has been in the game for a long time and has traded down from producing larger vessels which in my opinion is a distinct bonus.
One other thing to consider is that when throwing untried ideas around and friggin with a tried and proven design then you have to accept that some of our best ideas just wont work on some boats. If it works out good, but if not then who takes the flak??? Some yes men don't have your best interest at heart, it's all about the sale.
Good luck with it, worrying about who is going to build your boat is a good quality problem I reckon.
Jason from Offshore Marine Master is building me a 6.3 metre plate alloy boat at the moment. This hull has 5mm bottom 4mm sides and 5mm transom. Deadrise is 17 degrees and the hull has sharp entry. Jason is easy going and full of inovative ideas. His prices are very sharp and his workmanship is excellent. If you are in the market for a new plate boat I would recommend Offshore Marine Master.