Originally Posted by
I have received nothing but exceptional service every single time I have been to that boat yard, As has my brother in law and a mate of mine who have all bought that brand boat from that yard. Mine came from there as well. Second to none on service and warranty ( my brother in law had a slight issue with his and no problems fixing it up at all to an exceptional level)
I understand that this is the boat that rolled due to rough conditions and not the best seamanship. Unfortunate for you yes but you really cannot blame the boat yard or the manufacturer for this. I don't think you would find a warranty in the world that would cover that. Perhaps try your insurance instead?
This professional welder you took it to as well, Is that not the same welder you complained about when you had your transducer bracket fitted? (mind you I understand this was not a reflection on the welder, just some people are hard to please).
I can understand you being angry at the situation but I do not think it is fair to badmouth a boat yard and or manufacturer that I know for a fact go out of there way for customer satisfaction. Even though you have not mentioned them directly, it is very obvious who it is.
Perhaps give your insurance company a try next time if you happen to roll your boat and damage it.