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Is your boat under warranty? If yes, read this! - Page 2
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Thread: Is your boat under warranty? If yes, read this!

  1. #16

    Re: Is your boat under warranty? If yes, read this!

    I personally think if you want a little revenge, head to the next boat show they are exibiting at and kick up a real fuss when they are busy! I bet the service you receive will be a little different!

  2. #17

    Thumbs down Re: Is your boat under warranty? If yes, read this!

    Quote Originally Posted by midnight_run View Post
    I have been a loyal Ausfish member for quite a few years now and I thought it would be of interest to all the other boaties out there just how much a warranty is worth these days, especially the warranty on your boat. I have a centre console boat which I purchased from a local boat yard at Capalaba which has recently changes premises on Old Cleveland Road. It has been used heaps and is still under it's manufacturer warranty. It has had a long history of cracked welds which is unusual for a brand new boat. I had all of the previous ones fixed by the manufacturer before I even took the brand new boat home, but was shocked when I took it back to the boat yard last week after discovering the base welds that fix the centre console to the boat structure were almost completely split along with the weld that attaches the back step (which has hardly been used). I went back to the boat yard today after hearing nothing and they advised me in a very rude manner that I should speak to the manufacturer on the gold coast and drive it down there myself to get it looked at by the builder all at my own expense as they were bound to do nothing for me. Now how's that for service when I paid over $16000 cash for a brand spanking new boat! I then called the manufacturer who was unavailable at that time and was to be phoned back within the hour. two hours later I phoned and got an instant greeting of "well clearly someone does not get out of bed early in the morning", no nice greetings for a "valued customer" I was infact at the hospital this morning having my monthly oncology tests to make sure i am still in remission! He told me to bring the boat to him to havea look at it for himself and when i offered to take time off work to get it to him the following day he rudely told me it was "NOT CONVENIENT". To make sure that I get the quality of service that I deserve when forking out hard earned money I decided to take it to a local marine welder at Cleveland to get the job done properly. I myself work at highly regarded boating supplies retailer and understand that when my customers buy something they pay in the mark up for your service to be the best! I somehow think that a warranty means that you get after purchase service and workmanship until it is void! Oh well I hope that your warranty is better than mine and worth more than the paper that it was written on. So much for a company and boats that are "BUILT WITH PRIDE"!!!!
    yeah m8 i know wat u mean my brand new allycraft nearly sunk 10nm at sea because it had a hole in one of the weld or lack of, spoke to sum stupid woman cathy who really didnt give two hoots. stabicraft coming soon .ALLYCRAFT INDIAN to be scrapped soon the better......................

  3. #18

    Re: Is your boat under warranty? If yes, read this!

    I really empathise with you guys - but why protect these grubs by not metioning their names? I know your perhaps afraid of persecution, but under freedom of information, we are now allowed to speak out against bad service! As of next week - we will even be seeing shonky / unclean restaurants advertised in our papers! For too long - these grubs have hidden behind beaurecratic legislation ( instilling fear of deformation charges on those that did). We need to protect and look out for each other! Same goes for good service.... Perhaps there should be an area on this forum to praise above average service and product, and warn of personal experiences from not so good products and services.

    I think every reasonable person accepts that everyone makes mistakes from time to time. All great boat manufacturing companies make errors on a weld or what ever - but it is how they handle the problem that ultimatley reflects how good the company is.

    As for the warranty - unless it is underwritten by a public company or an insurance comany, if you are outside the legislative cooling off period - you might as well wipe your bum on it as someone said - it really is just a deed of good will.

    Consumer Affairs - or now "Office of Fair Trading, QLD" is wothwhile - but they seem to have lost their balls now and while they will certainly make contact with the manufacturer and even facilitate mediation, they will refer the matter to small claims or if over about 5K, to the local magistrates court. Well worth doing though - as the magistrate will look favourably on your case if you have attempted mediation first.

    best of luck - and I hope your tumor markers / imaging were fine!


  4. #19
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Is your boat under warranty? If yes, read this!

    Hi M-run,not Shaw But Is Your Boat The Yellow C/console That Someone Rolled In Bad Weather In Moreton Bay Last Year.

  5. #20
    Ausfish Addict bluefin59's Avatar
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    Re: Is your boat under warranty? If yes, read this!

    M-run have you got any photos or explain where the problem is and i will pull up some floor and have a look thanks for the heads up on this mate...... I dont quit understand what i should be looking for mate..
    A bad days fishing has got to be better than any day at work......

  6. #21
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Is your boat under warranty? If yes, read this!

    hi bluefin 59,mate i don,t think we are getting the full story here i have seen m-runs boat it was rolled in bad weather in moreton bay last year,the question here is did m-run take his boat back to the manufacturer after it rolled to get it inspected by the builder.

  7. #22
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: Is your boat under warranty? If yes, read this!

    [quote=Braddles;628411]I really empathise with you guys - but why protect these grubs by not metioning their names?

    The main problem with naming names is the ease with which anybody with an untoward agenda or a lopsided view of events can slander a particular company whilst hiding behind the anonymity of the internet.
    BTW I,m not inferring that this thread is a case of this type of mischief .

    Last edited by disorderly; 02-06-2007 at 04:53 PM.

  8. #23

    Re: Is your boat under warranty? If yes, read this!

    I think we all know who he is talking about anyways.....
    This is compelling reading for me, as I'm in the market for an upgrade.

  9. #24
    Ausfish Silver Member Mtx's Avatar
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    Re: Is your boat under warranty? If yes, read this!

    Not sure on the real story here.
    I have received nothing but exceptional service every single time I have been to that boat yard, As has my brother in law and a mate of mine who have all bought that brand boat from that yard. Mine came from there as well. Second to none on service and warranty ( my brother in law had a slight issue with his and no problems fixing it up at all to an exceptional level)

    I understand that this is the boat that rolled due to rough conditions and not the best seamanship. Unfortunate for you yes but you really cannot blame the boat yard or the manufacturer for this. I don't think you would find a warranty in the world that would cover that. Perhaps try your insurance instead?

    This professional welder you took it to as well, Is that not the same welder you complained about when you had your transducer bracket fitted? (mind you I understand this was not a reflection on the welder, just some people are hard to please).

    I can understand you being angry at the situation but I do not think it is fair to badmouth a boat yard and or manufacturer that I know for a fact go out of there way for customer satisfaction. Even though you have not mentioned them directly, it is very obvious who it is.

    Perhaps give your insurance company a try next time if you happen to roll your boat and damage it.

  10. #25
    Ausfish Addict bluefin59's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Re: Is your boat under warranty? If yes, read this!

    I am in the same boat as you blokes i had nothing but good service from these guys as well couldnt help enough from test ride to service thats why i am so surprised pulled up half my floor last night and checked everything out still sound as in there still as when was new ,maybe your right something maybe missing from the whole story ,its funny how one story can change your whole perception of something i love my fin even more its now done 400hrs of morton bay bashing and still like new .......
    A bad days fishing has got to be better than any day at work......

  11. #26

    Re: Is your boat under warranty? If yes, read this!

    Someone needs to do a proper writeup (this is not it but might help some) on how to spot a good pressed tinny these days, just as a starter to it, when the floor is in (no-one should ever buy one without seeing below deck for structure) count the number of vertical ribs running up the hull side above floor height, now look under the floor, if the number of ribs you see there do not match the number up the side (side will be less) give it the flick.

    Each of these ribs needs a bulkhead to raise them to floor height as they travel left to right, if this is not full height, solid and FULLY welded - give it the flick, next full length longitudinal bracing between ribs at floor height needs to be in place, lastly the hull sheet form needs to be well pressed as it is the longitudinal bracing at the water line and finally there needs to be some form of very solid extruded keel section running fore aft (which most have).

    Some tinny manufacturers fail one (or more, or most!) of the tests above but hold together fine as individual boats, but the power of numbers always win - the one with all of the above is the one that will have less or no failures per 100 boats under identical circumstance/treatment.

    Also measure your boat proper (not overall) if the number of ribs is less overall than 400mm spacing (give or take 25% if the above ribs are in place) give it the flick also. Thwarts do no make up for lost bracing below.

    There is more also, along the finer points of design/construction but thisgenerally above the average bloke to assume when buying - me included - do homework!, marketing means nothing actually marketing means less than nothing!!!!.

    Cheer fnq

    Last edited by FNQCairns; 03-06-2007 at 07:24 AM.

  12. #27

    Re: Is your boat under warranty? If yes, read this!

    Sounds pretty bad in the original post. Lets hope this is the full story, if so i say name the builder and open yourself up but if this is not the full story let us know mate. At the end of the day if the boat was rolled does that now mean that all warranty is now null and void on workmanship???

    Interesting reading.

    Cheers Chris

  13. #28
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Re: Is your boat under warranty? If yes, read this!

    Quote Originally Posted by Plastic Surgeon View Post
    I think we all know who he is talking about anyways.....
    This is compelling reading for me, as I'm in the market for an upgrade.
    and if you put up any manufacturer's name I reckon you will get both good and bad feedback on each and every one of them.

  14. #29

    Re: Is your boat under warranty? If yes, read this!

    Yes my boat did capsise over a year and a half ago and got the electrics fixed indpendently by an excellent local marine dealer. However the point of this thread is that the problem was in no way linked to the capsise. I have been informed by the repairer that the boat was not built with the appropriate reinforcement that should hold the console to the ribs in the base of the boat.
    Last edited by midnight_run; 04-06-2007 at 08:00 AM.

  15. #30

    Re: Is your boat under warranty? If yes, read this!

    I should also mention that I believe the representatives of the local boat yard are infact here to offer their side of the story, or are they. Hi to Michael (MTX) and doublexl who I think must also work there to be able to know exactly who I am and what my boat looks like considering there is no pictures of it on this thread. So guys, are you going to add anything constructive to the thread or are you just going to pretend that you are one of the "satisfied customers"? Really, this looks to me like an attempt to discredit what I have said in order to restore their customers faith. Anyone could be mistaken to think we are in the dirty politics game here!

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