For the first time i bought my xd-100 some other place than my dealer.The bloke casually asked me how many bottles i used so far,onto my third i replied.Hes response was that is far to much and my motor wasnt programmed for xd-100 but for xd50.Much to my surprise another bloke was picking up his boat after reprogramming to the right oil at the same time i was there.He got his boat at the same dealer as me ,so im a little bit concerned.I specifically asked the motor to be programmed to xd-100 from the start so i wont have any issues.Question is this does this new dealer try to get some business or the old one?At $70 per bottle the old dealer maybe try to get you back in as many times as possible me thinks.The new bloke also told me i should be getting around 45-50 hours per reservoir .Im on 76 hours and onto my 3rd bottle -not reservoir.Hmmmm.
Its a 50 hp pushing 330kgs of poly .What consumption other people have?
thanks in advance