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Thread: Rope starting an E-Tec

  1. #16
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Apr 2007

    Re: Rope starting an E-Tec

    or you can buy a yamaha and never have the issue!!!!
    making sure batteries are in good condition can eliminate flat ones, a spare up fron tin boat is always good thing to have, i tried starting a 70hp johno with rope, no hope lucky a friend who was in another boat passed me a spare bat and off we went, I cant see why you'll need to start one with a rope they claim to be so reliable and safe!!!

  2. #17

    Re: Rope starting an E-Tec

    HMMMMMMMM look below
    Last edited by johnsonMAN; 05-06-2007 at 05:54 PM.

  3. #18

    Re: Rope starting an E-Tec

    ok then but thats possible with any engine. I will admit all engines these days are good but some better the opposition and are in different price ranges for example.

    2 strokes
    If you can go buy a tohatsu 50hp for just over $5500
    or you can buy a Yamaha 50hp for $6500 im guessing???
    Or you can buy an E-tec for around 6 - 7 thousand.
    These 3 motors are all good and offer good warranties and you can make the decision but the reliability and . I have a 3.5hp auxillary tohatsu ot cost $800 and the kids use it all the time. It is great. If the E-tec portables dont hurry up and come to aus then i will be buying a 25 or 30 tohatsu.

    The E-tecs "supposebly" sink yamaha's if you have not seen this video i suggest you look on youtube under EVINRUDE ETEC's

    Thanks guys and this is just my opinion and sorry if the prices are wrong.

  4. #19
    Ausfish Premium Member
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    May 2006

    Re: Rope starting an E-Tec

    Batteries aren't always the problem. I had a starter motor pinion fail once so I had to pull start a johhno 90. Not too hard if you prime as per the instructions.

  5. #20
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Apr 2006

    Re: Rope starting an E-Tec

    Interesting one, this one, I tried to rope start my 90 etec once, but bottled out as i saw potential for the rope to get stuck on the timing pointer or not release properly.

    I might try again with the flywheel cover totally removed, best thing would be to ask dealer to demonstrate it.

    I actually had a flat battery in mine once, it had sat for bout 6 weeks, and actually kicked over and would have started but i forgot to reprime the line. (a practice my dealer recommends if not used for over a few weeks) I tried the rope thing but couldnt figure out how to get it in properly without fouling cover, so jumped it off ute.

    I now have a solar trickle charger on it, which just sits on back and disconnects quickly and easily when going to use. ($30 crazy clarks)

    I now also periodically check my voltage by switching on sounder.

    all above said, i do want to master the art of the rope start, so might have another go with the flywheel cover totally removed.

    Still interested to hear others opinions on this one.


  6. #21

    Re: Rope starting an E-Tec

    or you can buy a yamaha and never have the issue!!!!
    What, you never get flat batteries with a Yamaha???

    Now Thats technology

  7. #22
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    In the Jungle/Mission Beach Hinterland

    Re: Rope starting an E-Tec

    Quote Originally Posted by sea raider View Post
    What, you never get flat batteries with a Yamaha???

    Now Thats technology

  8. #23

    Re: Rope starting an E-Tec

    yep, Yamahas are that good, never ever break down, (I heard that all Yamaha service guys are now out of work) never get flat batteries and they never need petrol either, they are just THAT good! I think people need to "get a grip" on "marine life" all the newer motors are good, all of them have some sort of problem at some time, all of them make noise and use non renewable fuel, but we still have them and swear the brand you have is the best in the World and no one can tell you any different!, but simple fact is 2 or 4 stroke, they are all good, all have pluses and minusus, all corrode to some degree, all need routine maintenance, and all can give us great joy and indeed great headaches as well at times, but they ALL beat rowing to go fishing out at the shelf!

  9. #24

    Re: Rope starting an E-Tec

    and I forgot to add, if you really HAVE to, you will start it with a rope, might be a tad hard to get at and pull, but if it is a matter of life or death, or a fifty mile swim, you can pull that rope! you will be amazed at what a person can do when faced with dire need! (not just a trial run at home in the driveway)

  10. #25
    Ausfish Platinum Member juju's Avatar
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    Re: Rope starting an E-Tec

    My problem is a bad back and a slim build, i dont mind admitting to the fact that i lack the strength that i reckon it would require to turn it over, the old man is 73 and i reckon he not about to hit the gym.....might think of a second battery setup just in case.....and join the VMR....
    ..Greg...."Termites pay the bills"..... Trailcraft 475...75 Hp E-Tec

  11. #26
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: Rope starting an E-Tec


    If your back can handle being in an alloy boat on the open ocean,I,d reckon you could pull start the motor.
    It requires minimal effort.Just try it on dry land .I think you will be pleasantly surprised.


  12. #27

    Re: Rope starting an E-Tec

    as far as removeing the main fuse ,is that for all engines or just e-tecs i have a 70 horse yamaha 2 stroke , i tried to start it with a rope the other day but couldnt, i didnt take the fuse out though, is this why it didnt start

  13. #28
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: Rope starting an E-Tec

    Just a thought on the jump starting issue.

    It would be highly unlikely that you would take off from the ramp if you had to pull start your outboard (electric start only). Unless you were confident that the battery (if that's the problem, would recharge). So the situation is more likely the motor has been run that day and probably still warm when you need to start it/return home. So I'd say it's probably a fair test (at home) to give your motor a run to warm it up, leave it for an hour or 2, then give a pull start to see how easy? it is.


  14. #29
    Ausfish Premium Member
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    May 2006

    Re: Rope starting an E-Tec

    They are always easier to start out of the water without exhaust back pressure.

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