Heading offshore from gold coast this Friday. Somewhere between the Pin and Seaway and points east.
Probably start out the Seaway and go NE, first trip out there so be interesting. Give us a call if youre going out.
Following 2 other boats out so safety in numbers I say
PS: Guest starring as the deckie for the day will be Finga
Last edited by Marlin_Mike; 29-05-2007 at 07:24 PM.
Yeah good on ya
I've only been crook the one time. It started when I was about 5 and hasn't ended yet.
Besides that Mike's boat is a centre consul so it's never too far to the gunnel for burley duty
I'm really looking forward to this trip.
Never been out from there so will be a first for this little black duck.
The best thing about following another two boats...they can settle the water down for us. Nice smooth ride
I'll be Pinning on Saturday and Sunday with Junior
I intend on living for-ever....so far so good
Looking half decent forecast so off we go by the looks of it....will post tomorrow night in reposrts