Left wello at about 1.50 with myself and tfish onboard and arrived at our spot at about 2.40. Arrived to see a fair amount of bait, so we dropped out some lures. 15minutes it took before the gold halco screamed off, first fish in the boat was a yellowfin about 4kg, 5 minutes later off goes the same lure, another yellowfin about the same size. So with 2 in the boat we decided to stop and hav a bottom fish. There was no current and next to no wind so we started to float some baits out, no lead needed. then one of the bait runners got smashed, put up at good fight almost to the boat and wat ever it was its teeth must hav worn through the line as it was fraid.
We then decided to drop some baits to the bottom with only very small sinkers on. Not long after i got to the bottom my rod doubled over with it peeling line off so i tightened the drag to keep it away from the bottom. got it up and an nice spangled emporeor hit the surface. it was a pb for me it went between 7.5 and 8kg. then just after the sun set off my rod went again and it was the same sought of fight, just wanting to head for the bottom.got him awat from it in came another spangled that went between 5-6kg. After that fish i was just about to say lets head in as we needed to get through the bar b4 dark, then tfish's rod doubled over. After a while of this fishing staying down deep and came to the surface and we could see him out on the top, i made the call that is was a big cobia as i could see the small dorsal just breaking the surface. After fighting this cobe for a good 15-20mins we got him in. He went 21.5kg then we made a rush for the bar and got there with a little light to spare.