Well I went for a quick snaps session before work this morning, got a couple early before light but then as I was gettin my plastic out of the old rock cod he flicked up and got me one on my finger just below my nuckle! Damn thing got pretty painful but I was gettin a few fish so I put up with it. Anyhow, by the time I got to work my finger had swollen up a fair bit and was actually starting to hurt a fair bit because of the ring I had on it. I was startin to get a bit worried cause it was hurtin like hell as it swelled around the ring and the guys at work were more than happy to help.... 'just cut it in half, your gonna have to get it off there!'
I knew that if I cut the ring in half the missus would cut me in half so it wasnt up very high on my options list. A bit of reel grease eventually did the job and slipped it off but If I had thought to take it off when i got stung it would have saved a lot of hassle and a bit of pain. So Im just offering a warning/reminder if you get stung like that in the future, take a sec to stop and think to remove rings or jewelery etc.....