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Thread: where to fish at wello?

  1. #1

    where to fish at wello?

    hey all im usually a mud and peel fisho so anytin bout there i know but prob headin out to wello and green tmoz for a few flicks with da sp's and just wanted to know of any particular area to head to lyk wat side of the islaand would be helpful the rest can me done on the old matrix 17
    dad said i can take the day of skool

  2. #2

    Re: where to fish at wello?

    East side of King

  3. #3

    Re: where to fish at wello?

    yea thanks bud prob head on up there ay

  4. #4

    Re: where to fish at wello?

    Out the leads , thrun left, head towards the red beacon.
    Find the reef edge in towards land, and start casting

  5. #5

    Re: where to fish at wello?

    beefaman just put u on the money. good luck dude!!

  6. #6

    Re: where to fish at wello?

    thanks beefaman dats great info i'll let use know how i do wen i get bak throw da rider around for a while

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