Hi Andrew,
I don't do alot of the fishing style you mention in ya thread...But I have some m8's that do alot and are skilled with plastics and Snapper in Moreton Bay.I will give ya the information I know on the subject that has been relayed to me.It's a little strange nobody else has replied for ya yet.
These guys are fishing light you might say,And they use the following gear.1000 and 2000 sized spin reels.Twin Powers,Stradics and Sustains.Over a combination of T-Curve and Loomis rods.
Their lenghts vary from 6-7 foot.And have fast actions.Fast action rods suit single hook fishing practices (Bait,Plastics and Spinnerbaits etc) As it will allow you to ram the single hook home with authority.It will indeed help,As Bigger Snapper can have some very hard bits it their mouths.
They fish Fireline in 4 and 6lb strenghts,Attached to flurocarbon leaders ranging from 10 to 15lb.They only fish in around 10 to 20 foot of water,And all their jigheads are under a 1/2oz in weight.3" plastics from varying companies in various colours are what they use.I hear stuff like (Realistic Pumpkinseed and Smelt Scales) all the time,But I'm more of a hard bait fisho and don't take too much notice.I'll see if I can find out more for ya off em on plastic brands and colours.
As mentioned above they are going light compared to some,But remember they fish pretty shallow,And some of these big Knobbys are smart.They regularly land up to six fish a session,With a fair whack around the 60cm mark.I think their biggest is 84cm from 15ft of water on a 4lb main and a 10 lb leader.
I also know they talk about the strenght of the hooks in jigheads alot.And recall conversations of them snapping hooks with their 4lb main and 10lb leader combos while trying to get snagged lures off.(Their knot tying skills are excellent.)I'll try and get some info on these for ya aswell.They also speak of fish dumpin 50 and 60 yards.Then coming up limp,To find a snapped hook,And when whats left arrives,The jighead is inspected to find indentations from old man Snappers teeth,And with a little pressure,It crumbles and falls apart in their hands,Due to the big boys chewing on them in the fight.
I can't offer any advice on the rods you mention,But if you get something to suit the line weight you want to use,Then look at a lenght that suits ya,You should be O.K.Ya reels should do a fine job,And will have no problem being spooled with braided lines,Or fused dyneema (Fireline).
I'll see if they can tell me more about their heads and plastics for ya.
Hope I've been of some help. Cheers.