Hi All
Which is the best material for cast nets - nylon or mono?
Hi All
Which is the best material for cast nets - nylon or mono?
Ill put in a vote for mono, easy to shake off the water between casts, easy to clean up.......back when i had a mono drag net i hated it....it would streach then drop back when brought in...the result was hardyheads would get stuck halfway through the net....got around a big school over at bribie one day..took about 20 mins to clear it out
..Greg...."Termites pay the bills"..... Trailcraft 475...75 Hp E-Tec
mono tears easy but drys quick and are usually cheaper cos they dry quicker they can be thrown easyer
nylon does get heavier when wet and I do prefer them but have mono due to cheapness and lighter as I finds the older I get the less weight the better.
juju - for a drag net just take the top line and give it a decent flick, move along and repeat till you have covered the length of net, 90% of the hardies will pop straight out. Usually a couple of repeat flicks will get all but a few.
depends what ur using the net for and how big a net u want, i prefer nylon in 3/4in for prawning as they cant get through the mesh (the smaller ones of course) as the mesh collapses on itself and has no memory, closing up the holes. They do get heavy tho and are more expencive.
The main thing I find is an advantage to using a mono net is that there is less wind resistence so the net drops faster. Less drag in the water as well. They may tear a little easier but they can be repaired and the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages IMHO.
I started out with the Mono then went to Nylon and now im back on mono for good. Sure the Mono gets caught easier on the smallest snag and when a bait does get stuck in between the holes its more damaging to get them out but when prawning i think the prawns fall into the poket easier with a quick shake with the mono. In the long run the pro's and cons are outweighed by the Mono over the Nylon INMHO.
Cheers Chris
i purchased my new one only a few months ago,,,,, went straight to mono,,,,only due to the reason if your out to catch a feed of prawns,,, or chasing to fill the bait bucket,,, mono leaves you less worn and torn,,,
nylon when wet weighs more,,,, equals less casts or less effective casts,,
but i suppose it depends on where your using the net,,,,,,
can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgG_TxEPaQE
also ive got an old nylon net, they break down and get weak with age, then they become so weak big mullet and other larger fish can bust holes in the no worries, mono is the way to go
I don't care what it's made out of ... I just want to throw the thing.
Man I waved that thing all over the place,
Practiced 'till I was B.... in the face,
I'm a big disgrace to the fisho race ........
In fact I might get it out of the bucket this weekend, and wave that ....