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Thread: mourilyan harbour

  1. #1

    mourilyan harbour

    any body been there lately?And how was it . Anyone fish the entrance for fingermark i hear its ok on neaps. Cheers Dan.

  2. #2

    Re: mourilyan harbour

    Fished it alot Dan ,but not resently ...foxy

  3. #3

    Re: mourilyan harbour

    i used to run the barra hatchery down there(up until march last year), and all of that rock wall fishes really well for fingermarks plus a couple of spots further upstream (8 miles). the wark is good, and north barnards.

  4. #4

    Re: mourilyan harbour

    ok thanks for that i went there about 2 months ago for the first time i actually went with a guide for the first time also we didnt see a fish all day but i could tell it had potetial it was just one of those days.Ive only been in cairns for a couple of months and got a new boat on the way so just trying to suss out a couple of spots that are handy Thanks mate

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