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Thread: Extra lane for Deepwater bend ramp

  1. #1

    Extra lane for Deepwater bend ramp

    I see the council is going to put in a extra lane at the Deepwater bend ramp in June/july this year....they should have done it like that in the first place..that one now is a bit skinny...the angle is good, but it is a bit exposed to the wind......the big problem remains the carpark....being a local i hear alot of stories about how its not a place to leave your car......

  2. #2

    Re: Extra lane for Deepwater bend ramp

    That's great.

    Given how busy/popular that ramp is, 2 more lanes would be better, more parking, better lighting, security cameras.

    When the ramp was first built, it should have been recessed a further 15 to 20 feet into the bank to give shelter from wind and tidal flow towards the bottom of the tides.

    One day when building boat ramps, "they" will consult 'real' boaties.

    Last edited by Luc; 08-05-2007 at 09:36 PM.

  3. #3

    Re: Extra lane for Deepwater bend ramp

    Am i hearing correctly the powers that be have actually taken notice
    its about time maybe ive spoken to soon i might wait until its built

  4. #4

    Re: Extra lane for Deepwater bend ramp

    Showing my ignorance again, but where is Deepwater Bend?

    Wherever it is, an improvement to a ramp is always most welcome.

  5. #5

    Re: Extra lane for Deepwater bend ramp

    Deepwater the Pine River at Bald Hills

  6. #6

    Re: Extra lane for Deepwater bend ramp

    Does that mean a 2hr weekend retrieval will only be 1 after July.
    You wonder why this wasn't done during the pontoon upgrade. It will definitely be for the better. As for the car park, if you judge your vehicles security by the amount of window glass lying on the ground, it's a shocker! So far so good for me though.

  7. #7

    Re: Extra lane for Deepwater bend ramp

    Typical, new ramps should go in in or around February when we have the big tides. (To get it as far into the water as possible!) Was involved in building one a few years ago in th logan, mid february, two gun crews and 50MPa quickset mix, starting laying when tide was halfway out and followed it down, laid last 10 foot under water.

  8. #8

    Re: Extra lane for Deepwater bend ramp

    One day down there somelittle darlings that were too young to be charged, were caught using the winch's on trailers to pull mirrors, door handles ,grills off the cars in the car park, also heard how one nite there a car was broken into ,put out of gear and pushed down the ramp.........

  9. #9

    Re: Extra lane for Deepwater bend ramp

    Always thought it would be a good way for a couple enterprising young blokes to make a quid by offering to keep an eye on your car and trailer until you get back for the price of a fiver. It would beat nicking things to get some spending money.

  10. #10

    Re: Extra lane for Deepwater bend ramp

    I never leave the trailer there. Deckie puts me in, then buggers off home with the trailer...........omes and picks me up when I'm ready...................Jeeeeeeeeez, I have the life of Riley don't I?

    When she wants to come with me, we launch at the secluded ramp at Bald Hills. Still a bit of a risk, but not as big a one as DWB.


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