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Thread: Catching Crabs

  1. #1

    Catching Crabs

    I am going to go crabbing in the Clyde next weekend, having never done it before i was wondering how you actually catch them..... i know you use a crab trap and bait, but just wondering if that all there is to it?

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2

    Re: Catching Crabs

    Catching Crabs
    If that's the Clyde river at Batemans Bay simmo, you have a better chance of catching them at a night club. There's more life on Mars than in that river.
    Brother in law does realy well in the Hawksbury with opera house nets and uses carp or eel as bait.

  3. #3

    Re: Catching Crabs

    plenty of crabs in the Clyde, BUT, it is getting too late/cold for them now.

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