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modifying quintrex 420
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Thread: modifying quintrex 420

  1. #1

    modifying quintrex 420

    i have been customising my boat since new over the past 9 months, and finally finished my new bimini top which works a treat. however, this has led me to a new idea of removing the rear bench to create more room. in place would go a single swivel seat, giving me more room to walk and get right to the back without climbing over seats!!!

    the problem: the seat is welded in which in itself is no probs to remove, but where do i stand with regards to structural strenth, and as the seat is foam filled for level floataion, can it be removed safetly and not cause huge dramas.

    just tossing the idea up at the moment, and if turned out it could not be done, i would not continue and put myself/others at risk not to mention insurance dramas.

    any comments/ideas welcome

    " Sea 'n' Things " 420 Quintrex-Suzuki 30

  2. #2

    Re: modifying quintrex 420


    If I were you... dont do it. Like you said, you will lose structural strength and flotation.

    Have you considered building a level rear casting deck instead?


  3. #3

    Re: modifying quintrex 420


    I looked at the same boat before purchasing mine, but came away with a savage as it had a removable rear seat.

    Have to agree about not removing bits that are welded in place, as they are probably there for a reason.

    From memory you fish around the Pin area occasionally, if so we should meet up for a day.

    Keen to see what other mods you have done. Do you have any pics?

  4. #4

    Re: modifying quintrex 420

    B in B: i used to go to the pin all the time, untill i discovered wello point!!! i must say i am having far more success there than the pin! mods aren't huge, but purposefull. i installed LED nav lights, and anchor light, depth sounder, switch panel and charger outlet on a custom panel. i had Dave at Riptide add a section on the back so i could lift my motor up, he also welded in alloy brackets so i could mount a shelf above the anchor well. i put a bollard on the front, so i didn't have to tie a knot in the anchor line all the time, mounted a knife and cup holder on my seat, rod holders, front floor over the jackets, and just finished my custom bimini top with rocket launchers.

    every thing else has a place and is mounted off the floor inc; yabbie pump, gaff, anchor light, net and donger. oars are mounted behind my seat. pics to follow very soon.!!!

    " Sea 'n' Things " 420 Quintrex-Suzuki 30

  5. #5

    Re: modifying quintrex 420


    Getting a little bit interested in all this 'Wello Point' talk. I will drag my boat anywhere for a fish, so next time you are heading out, give me a yell and I will see what the roster says.

    Sounds like a pretty well set up rig now, I was lazy and bought a rig that had most of this fitted already. But I am looking at installing a rocket launcher as I have clip in rod storage down the sides but only the gunnel rod holders to put the rods ready to move to another location. Interested to see yours....

  6. #6

    Re: modifying quintrex 420

    no worries at all! if you want to PM me your number, ill give you a bell next time we head out that way! here are some pics!
    " Sea 'n' Things " 420 Quintrex-Suzuki 30

  7. #7

    Re: modifying quintrex 420

    couple more!!!
    " Sea 'n' Things " 420 Quintrex-Suzuki 30

  8. #8

    Re: modifying quintrex 420

    Good looking rocket launcher.... If you want to give the stainless fabricator a wrap then can you name him?

    Sent you a PM with my mobile number...

  9. #9

    Re: modifying quintrex 420

    the stainless fabricator is my best mate dave!. (not riptide dave!!) very handy to have as a mate. he is willing to fabricate things like this for ausfish members, just pm me and i can put you in touch with him. the boat stuff is an after hours thing, but his workmanship is second to none. he is also handy with the car scene too, having fabricated a complete turbo kit for my old corolla, it was awarded top 4 door at a show and was featured in fast fours magazine recently! pitty he's not big on fishing!!!

    ps: the bimini is actually folded back in that photo, when bolted up, it sits flat and really looks the part, or so i think anyway!!
    Last edited by HIGH and DRY; 08-05-2007 at 07:35 PM. Reason: PS:
    " Sea 'n' Things " 420 Quintrex-Suzuki 30

  10. #10
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Re: modifying quintrex 420

    Give Quintrex a call and tell talk to them about what you want to do with the seat.
    I'm sure they will say yeh of neh.
    Regards Wayne

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member dogsbody's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: modifying quintrex 420

    Looks good pete. I've toyed with the idea of removing the forward seat in my tinnie but i have the wide side decks so i would think it will offer a bit more support but still don't know if it will be strong enough. But i would definately would not do it in a skinny sided tinnie. I like the forward compartment food for thought there.

    Avast ye matey!

  12. #12

    Re: modifying quintrex 420

    yes, the seats can be removed from a tinny - with an angle grinder! But they are structural and you need to replace them with extra bracing which becomes the support for the extra floor you put in. You either need to put the floatation from under the seat elsewhere in the boat, or take a risk that it will sink if it gets swamped.

    I converted a two-seat tiller steer tinny to a centre console with full floor with the help of a few mods by a marine engineer as above.

    A very good alternative to removing seats is to make forward and rear casting decks ie a false floor level with the seat. You get alot of storage under the false floor there also.

    "The underlying spirit of angling is that the skill of the angler is pitted against the instinct and strength of the fish and the latter is entitled to an even chance for it's life."
    (Quotation from the rules of the Tuna Club Avalon, Santa Catalina, U.S.A.)

    Apathy is the enemy

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