Good one Simon!! You've trumped me!
That's even better than a sea anchor having an electric motor ya buggar!- I wish I had one!!
It always amazes me how many more bream the pro tournament fisho's get for the fact they have a leccie.
Kev - now you have a sporting chance, make sure your leader is flurocarbon to braid tied with a Uni knot and NO SWIVEL! I use 10lb to 12lb in the bay, Outside I think you might get away with up to 20lb which is still a little light, but still catch snapper.
I should do a post and ask the question "How heavy can you go on leader before you notice a decline in number of hits" but generally the lighter the line, the more hits you'll get.. One more thing.... hang on with both hands and don't get caught loafing! Whoohoo!! I can see your post now Kingtin!!