In this day and age of burgeoning impoundment fisheries with metre plus barra and half metre bass passé' for half serious fishos I wonder how many of us rec fishers remain committed to the maintenance of wild fisheries (i.e. fish populations that live within open river systems and have naturally recruiting populations)?
Personally, I get a bigger buzz catching a smaller wild barra or bass in a natural stream environment than some mega size stocked fish out of an impoundment. To me its about the total environment experience which includes appreciation of natural riverine / wetland environment features such as riparian vegetation, river channels / flows and river landscapes and reading those in terms of where fish may be lurking.
While I don't deny the buzz that a impoundment caught fish can provide (and I do chase them occasionally), I sometimes worry about the disconnect between fishers and natural ecosystems and processes. The quality of freshwater rec fishing was once a barometer for the health of river catchments and ecosystems and degradation of either was the cause for consternation amongst fishers and political pressure being applied to natural resource managers.
These days stocked fisheries created in artificial environments (impoundments) satisfy many rec fishers and our political leaders and natural resource mangers can be let off the hook (by fishers at least) in terms of keeping natural ecosystems healthily and functional in terms of natural fish population viability.
One other aspect of wild fishery fishing – particularly on smaller river systems and streams is that it often involved more direct and physical engagement with the outdoor environment i.e. river bank walking, canoeing and required explorer skills in terms of finding good country – the impoundment scene where it all can be done from the comfort of a swivel seat on a 4+ m bass/ barra boat (hey I got one too!) just doesn’t seem quite as wholesome a fishing experience to me – how do others feel? What gives you your buzz in terms of freshwater fishing options?
Regards and tight lines - Jim