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Thread: shimano vs daiwa

  1. #1

    shimano vs daiwa

    the great debate whats your favourite what model how many years has it lasted .my favourite is my new chronarch (shimano) although my old curado hasnt ever failed me. im just wondering what a majority of people use outhere. i love my shimanos but daiwa look preety good.


  2. #2

    Re: shimano vs daiwa

    love shimano reels and diawa rods, go the heartland!

  3. #3

    Re: shimano vs daiwa

    Favourite reel...Shimano Tyrnos....Oldest and most bullet proof reel...Penn Senators...Cheers Mick

  4. #4

    Re: shimano vs daiwa

    Favourite reel...Penn Slammer 260 on a Rapala 7ft graphite rod. Oldest reel...can't remember, but I've liked most of em.

  5. #5

    Re: shimano vs daiwa

    dont have a favourite but as quality over time goes shimano are great i personally dont know what diawa is like but all you have to do is look at the tss4 and be re-assured shimano make great reels

  6. #6

    Re: shimano vs daiwa

    I am sort of thinking Shimano will win this thing, just because they have "out marketed" most all other brands, not because they are better (because I do not think they are!) but they are much more "popular"

  7. #7

    Re: shimano vs daiwa

    im more thinking baitcaters as i can see daiwa making an uprise in that area

  8. #8

    Re: shimano vs daiwa

    Quote Originally Posted by top ender View Post
    im more thinking baitcaters as i can see daiwa making an uprise in that area
    Gotta agree here ..... for many many years I've always bought Shimano bait casters / overheads ... without too many complaints ....... But I just recently bought a Daiwa Zillion ...... Now this reel looks like a Shimano killer in the salt water BC category ! .... Line capacity is good (130M of 20lb braid & 6 kgs of drag!) .. Very good cast control ! ..... Craps over my Chronach SF! ! .... Nagg
    PS .... Daiwa have the best spinning reels ... HANDS DOWN

  9. #9

    Re: shimano vs daiwa

    daiwa all the way

  10. #10

    Re: shimano vs daiwa

    Skimano and penns for me in spinning reels, abu baitcasters...penn overheads...ugly stick rods

  11. #11

    Re: shimano vs daiwa

    Daiwa all day, every day,no brainer, hands down winner.........

  12. #12

    Re: shimano vs daiwa

    hell yer i love daiwa. i have a certate,luvias and tierra and love em all.
    i sold my stardics to make way for more of them!
    but i still would use shimano say if i were going for mackeral or tuna with a tld 25 because of how cheap they are.
    or a baitrunner for snapper but other form that it is esactly what marty+jojo said!
    i used to be a shimano man all the way but after using a daiwa sol for a day in an abt comp form my boater i was quickley converted!

  13. #13

    Re: shimano vs daiwa

    so what are the top of the range daiwas called? i got a chronarch bsv so whats on par with that?

  14. #14

    Re: shimano vs daiwa

    reading through the responses got me thinking exactly what do i have out there hanging off the wall,,,, to tally,,, 9 shimano's,,, 7 ugly sticks,,, 2 home made rods that are well into there early 20 yrs of age,,,, and an old thing that has no name,,, most of the reels are over 10 yrs old,,,, most of the sticks as well,,,

    i spose its like asking ""ford or holden in a way,,,

    but if you maintain and keep good care of em,,, most of the ""quality"" brands are reliable,,, i just like shimano

    can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  15. #15

    Re: shimano vs daiwa

    alot of people are saying daiwa why is this do u have a reason that u think daiwa, or is it because thats all u use?

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