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Thread: clarance river classic

  1. #1

    clarance river classic

    the clarance classic (a bream tourniment) is coming up in a couple of weeks and because it was only $20 per team to enter my mate and i decided to go in it.
    here's the problem niether of us have ever fished the clarence before and we wont have time for a prefish.
    has anybody got any spots we can know about?
    it will just be a fun day out and if we cant find bream we will go and find some tailor at the mouth

  2. #2

    Re: clarance river classic

    I live 15 minutes away from the Clarence,
    I run a fishing Club 15 minutes from the Clarence.
    I've never heard of the Clarence Bream Classic.
    When is it, who runs it, how do we go about entering it, what part of the Clarence is it being run on.
    Our Club recently held a one Lure Comp on the Clarence/Orara, result, around12 Bass, 1 Bream.
    The winners?
    Everyone that turned up.

  3. #3

    Re: clarance river classic

    You should drag Grand Marlin down there Rob...He is an expert at spinning lures....Remember his famous time in the Queen River....It is a wonder he retrieved a lure back with all the acid that is in the water....LOL

    Cheers Mick

  4. #4

    Re: clarance river classic

    Its only the first time its been run
    Paul kneller at Big River Bait and Tackle organised it i think
    Im entering it for something to do, not too crash hot on bream on lures but will give it a try.
    Any other ausfishers going in?
    Ill pm you some starting spots.

  5. #5

    Re: clarance river classic

    Yeh Mick
    That'd be good, he travelled all the wayto Tassie to fish a dead river, so he shouldn't have a problem travelling down here to The Clarence, to fish a live river, with fish in it, (so they say)
    Come on Grand-Marlin are you comung down, a Live River with Live Fish, something different, come on Pete give it a go
    Matooty any info you pass on will be great.
    It's probably been advertised in the local rag, but I hardly get that, can't read to well

  6. #6

    Re: clarance river classic

    Pete must be really embaressed Rob....He is currently installing $30 000 worth the electronics in a boat but someone as smart as him...hehe...lands a lure know where...I think maybe he has read this Post...but is too ashamed to come and talk to us....

    It is a shame there are no fishing comps here on the west`s guys make me envious .....sob sob


  7. #7

    Re: clarance river classic

    Quote Originally Posted by snelly1971 View Post
    Pete must be really embaressed Rob....He is currently installing $30 000 worth the electronics in a boat but someone as smart as him...hehe...lands a lure know where...I think maybe he has read this Post...but is too ashamed to come and talk to us....

    We are the ones that should be envious, I don't think our Bream measure up to your Stripey's
    I'm sure Pete'll surface soon and have a word or two to say about the bagging were giving him
    Hows the temperature going down there Mick, our days are currently around 28 degree's with 13 degree nights.
    The West coast should be starting to chill off slightly by now shouldn't it.
    Maybe even to cold for a trip out to Stripey country

  8. #8

    Re: clarance river classic

    Stop rubbing it in about the temp...we are about 6-10 overnight max 15-18 day...and bloody bloody windy...but that is why we have alot of fish down here i suppose..if you cant get out then you cant catch them....would love to travel up one day Rob and enter one of those fishing comps...never been in one ...
    Cheers Mick

  9. #9

    Re: clarance river classic

    Quote Originally Posted by snelly1971 View Post
    Stop rubbing it in about the temp...we are about 6-10 overnight max 15-18 day...and bloody bloody windy...but that is why we have alot of fish down here i suppose..if you cant get out then you cant catch them....would love to travel up one day Rob and enter one of those fishing comps...never been in one ...
    Cheers Mick
    More than welcome.
    You & the Family always have a place to stay up here Mick
    The water might be a bit tame for you though.

  10. #10

    Re: clarance river classic

    rob sorry about the late reply.
    the clarence river classic is a bream tourniment on lures or fly only.
    you must be fishing from a boat and are not allowed to get out and walk a spot.
    the comp runs from 7am to 1pm on sunday the 13th.
    all the rules are the same as abt.
    if ou are thinking of entering the comp go to and you will find all the details and rules inside

  11. #11

    Re: clarance river classic

    I will take you up on that offer one day long as you dont send me fishing in any dead rivers up there...cheers Mick

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