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Thread: More Mary Magic!

  1. #1

    More Mary Magic!

    Recently undertook some more angling based survey work for Mary River Cod in the lowermost reaches of the Mary River. While we didn't find any MRCs we did encounter good numbers of bass, fork tailed catties (one of which tried to eat a 50 cm bass boatside!! - part of the reason I believe MRCs are thin on the ground) and also come across a large sooty - what it was doing in the Mary River is anybody's guess - I supposed it was a leftover from early rec fishery devlopment translocation /stockings or possibly a farm dam escapee - it hit and pullled hard down deep in the snags and I finally thought we had connected with a cod - but it wasn't to be.

    One other observation was the apparent presence of a wasting disease, several bass we caught were nothing more than skeletons with skin wrapped around them. I could of put it down to poor genetic vigour in stocked fish, but we also observed it in a large catfish that was all head and no flesh in the same reach as the poorly conditioned bass. Couldn't have been lack of food as the river was full of prey species and productivity.

    Also observed good numbers of Mary River Turtles and Lungfish including one that attacked the canoe after I gave it a prod with the paddle - bit of excitment for my young assistant Tyron who is now committed to replicating the Mary River species assemblage in a large fish tank (don't fancy his chances)!!
    'Stick to fishing instead of fighting' - JC

  2. #2

    Re: More Mary Magic!

    nice picys that sooty is a beauty.cheers bdowdy

  3. #3

    Re: More Mary Magic!

    nice fish jim.wasting disease looks ugly,is there much known about it?


  4. #4

    Re: More Mary Magic!

    Quote Originally Posted by rossco View Post
    nice fish jim.wasting disease looks ugly,is there much known about it?

    there is a bit known about it,not by me but i know its around the aquarium trade and in partiular cichlids and discus

  5. #5

    Re: More Mary Magic!

    Nice work jim where did you launch from Petrie Park?

  6. #6

    Re: More Mary Magic!

    Nice pics , the sooty is a bit of a freak , its a shame about the disease

    Federation of Fly Fishers
    International Certified Casting Instructor
    Sunshine Coast Fly Fishers

  7. #7

    Re: More Mary Magic!

    i love sootys.... yea too bad bout the desease. thats a pretty big catfish

  8. #8

    Re: More Mary Magic!

    Thats a beautiful fish - that sooty...AND the smile on face says it all....I think he's addicted!!!

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