Hi Nicholas,
For me, owning a boat is a priveledge that often tests the family budget, but if it's one thing I hate about servicing that got on my goat last time, it is the approach to problems that mechanics often have.
Nearly two years ago, the motor had a problem, stalling constantly and it had a real flat spot through the rev range.. They said it was the flywheel, so we replaced that .... and it still ran like a dog...... Oh, there is a crack in the stater, so we replaced that.....no difference.
Next we replaced the CDI pack.....Still runs like a dog!!
Then we pulled the carbs down, replacing gaskets and diaphrams that looked suspect.... A little better, but still chomping through the fuel..... At $1500.00 for what was meant to be a routine service, that's a bit hard to cop on the chin on a family budget!! I found the problem myself.... It was the wrong model of spark plug they were using!!!Beleive it!! I still can't!! We ate baked beans for 6 months after that!
Considering we had parted with $5,500 only 12 months earlier to purchase the 2nd hand, but workshop overhauled motor, we were probably better off to have bought a new one in the 1st place. I place my hand on the bible and tell you this story is 100% true!