Sounds very similar to a dealership I have come to know who are at yatala. Still on the rebound from the horror story I told you - the $1500.00 service, I was in the market for a new trailer, and I wanted to deal with a service agent for my brand of motor, which these guys are. So when they said the trailer was $1600.00, I didn't haggle the price, only making one request - that they make sure the hubs/bearings were standard holden because I had a tonne of spares inc the old trailer wheels. I didn't get what I asked for, the bearings are 3025's both inner and outer, and the bearing buddies don't fit the hub.
Several phone cals later, the dealership obviously were burying their heads in the sand, they had my money, so after that who caresSorry to go over old ground for those who read my post on this matter, but it really has been a bad run for me. Happy now though, some AF members have come to my aid and restored my faith in human nature.