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Boat/Motor/Trailer Servicing Costs - Page 2
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Thread: Boat/Motor/Trailer Servicing Costs

  1. #16

    Re: Boat/Motor/Trailer Servicing Costs

    Quote Originally Posted by mamu View Post
    I repeatedly asked to see the manager at Yatala to justify the amount on the bills but he/she was always in a meeting or on the phone or some other piss weak excuse was given.
    I refuse to step inside this dealership's yard, not even to buy a packet of hooks, it may seem insignificant but its my own private protest.
    Once bitten, twice shy
    Sounds very similar to a dealership I have come to know who are at yatala. Still on the rebound from the horror story I told you - the $1500.00 service, I was in the market for a new trailer, and I wanted to deal with a service agent for my brand of motor, which these guys are. So when they said the trailer was $1600.00, I didn't haggle the price, only making one request - that they make sure the hubs/bearings were standard holden because I had a tonne of spares inc the old trailer wheels. I didn't get what I asked for, the bearings are 3025's both inner and outer, and the bearing buddies don't fit the hub.

    Several phone cals later, the dealership obviously were burying their heads in the sand, they had my money, so after that who cares Sorry to go over old ground for those who read my post on this matter, but it really has been a bad run for me. Happy now though, some AF members have come to my aid and restored my faith in human nature.


  2. #17
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: Boat/Motor/Trailer Servicing Costs


    What year Ficht engine was it? The early ones were a part of OMC's downfall. They were fixed when BRP took over and rectified what was actually good technology but had problems. The basic problem was the spray pattern from the injector was incorrect and it was causing engine detonation.

    Its a difficult situation overall in many cases with difficult problems to locate. One cannot (or shouldn't) play 'process of eliminaton' at the customers expense but it does go on quite a bit. By the same token I suppose, one cannot know everything about every engine. However, this does not apply if you take it to the authorised rep for the product. They have ZERO excuse for playing process of elimination.


  3. #18
    Ausfish New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Boat/Motor/Trailer Servicing Costs


    I have a 115 4stroke yammy , 3 years old and frightened to get a price on a service, so I bought myself a workshop manuel. $80 , but a great investment. has a great intro on basic mechanics and skills and some amazing MUST DO'S on the engine and tips and hints that would open the eyes a lot of 'I KNOW ALREADY' people. Its clymer publication. I dont know how you feel , but I have a great hesitation in paying up to $100 an hour for someone to change the oil , filter and plugs that can be done by a handyman, and as was mentioned earlier, you know it has been done.What convinced me was when I went to buy the filter and oil for my engine , I asked for the parts for my engine , giving size etc and he got to the oil and filter section and turned and asked if it was for a four stroke, I'm not sure if he was trying to take the piss out of me or he just didn't know, but i've not changed an oil filter or oil in a two stroke before, and either way he'll never touch my engine , or sell me any more parts. Careful mate , not all sharks swim in the sea. cheers and good luck

  4. #19
    Ausfish New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Boat/Motor/Trailer Servicing Costs


    I have a 115 4stroke yammy , 3 years old and frightened to get a price on a service, so I bought myself a workshop manuel. $80 , but a great investment. has a great intro on basic mechanics and skills and some amazing MUST DO'S on the engine and tips and hints that would open the eyes a lot of 'I KNOW ALREADY' people. Its clymer publication. I dont know how you feel , but I have a great hesitation in paying up to $100 an hour for someone to change the oil , filter and plugs that can be done by a handyman, and as was mentioned earlier, you know it has been done.What convinced me was when I went to buy the filter and oil for my engine , I asked for the parts for my engine , giving size etc and he got to the oil and filter section and turned and asked if it was for a four stroke, I'm not sure if he was trying to take the piss out of me or he just didn't know, but i've not changed an oil filter or oil in a two stroke before, and either way he'll never touch my engine , or sell me any more parts. Careful mate , not all sharks swim in the sea. cheers and good luck

  5. #20
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: Boat/Motor/Trailer Servicing Costs

    Too right EMJ.......

    I call them Land Based Sharks.....

    To answer your inquiring mind in relation to your engine I recently serviced a customers 115hp 4 stroke Yammy for $350.. Engine oil and filter, gearbox oil, waterpump impeller, water separating filter. Plus the usual "other" lubricants and checks etc etc

    With home servicing the main difference is that you can read the manual 10 times over but there may well be things you miss that I or other mechanics wouldn't. Now those things may be insignificant or they may be major.

    I agree with home servicing (so much so that I am trying to set up some instructional courses in the subject) however, the one limitation to the concept is that I can teach you, the next bloke and so on how to service an engine but what I CANNOT do is transfer my experience/general knowledge into your head.

    Last edited by BM; 12-05-2007 at 11:08 PM.

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