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Thread: glenlyon dam

  1. #1

    glenlyon dam

    I'm off to the dam for the Labour Day weekend. Haven't been there for 12 months so was wondering if anyone has had any success there lately? I remember weed was a problem last year. Any updates?

  2. #2

    Re: glenlyon dam

    Went out there mid March and the yellowbelly were absolutely on fire. I've been going since 1994 and had never seen it like this. Everyone was bagging out. It's apparently quietened off a tad but still fishing well.
    I know a bloke who's going out for the week this week. He's going to let me know Friday how it's fishing, so might update you again then.

    Having said all that it could be quite different in 6 weeks time.

  3. #3

    Re: glenlyon dam

    still fishing well for yellowbelly but has been a bit quiet to afew weeks ago, there were going ape, nothing to bag out in 30 mins. check out my cod picture im posting in freshwater photos theres some rippers in there. cheers bdowdy

  4. #4

    Re: glenlyon dam

    Thanks fellas. I'll wait for your update ellicat. Labour Day weekend is only a week away. And I'll look at those photo's bdowdy.

  5. #5

    Re: glenlyon dam

    Haven't received a text message yet. (Not surprising seeing as there's poor coverage there.)

    Labour day is only a week away. For some reason I was thinking Queens birthday when I first posted.

  6. #6

    Re: glenlyon dam

    Phone coverage is very good at Glenlyon you get full signal (cdma) on the water.


  7. #7

    Re: glenlyon dam

    Sorry no message received. He mustn't have CDMA.
    The wife came home yesterday and told me we're going out there next weekend. On this occasion I'm happy to do as I'm told

    So might see you out there greyfox. Also expect to get a report during the week so I'll update then.

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