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Thread: Coupla Jacks

  1. #1

    Coupla Jacks

    Had a couple of sessions chasing jacks over the last week. 1st was with my brother in a creek off pum passage. We had hooked countless jacks in this snag since feb that are all but unstoppable. It had been a few weeks since we had hit it so we didn't know what to expect as the water temp had dropped a few degs. We fished late afternoon and early into the night with livies that resulted in him pulling a small one out at 37cm and both of us missing 1 or 2 each along with a couple of pike eels. Had another go this arv with my mate shaun once again using livies. I floated mullet over the snag under a balloon while he fished them lightly weighted on the bottom. The floaters got 3 solid hits without a single hook up. Very frustrating! Then it was shauns turn. He managed a 36 and 37 jack out of the snag as well as a big bust up before things went quiet. It seems that the big fish we have been hooking over the last couple of months have moved on. All up we got 7 hits for 2 1/2 hours work with shaun landing the only 2 fish both caught on livies and all fish released. Not a bad session for late april. Cheers

  2. #2

    Re: Coupla Jacks

    Nice jacks mate.
    Yeah I havent fished for them of late as the water temp has dropped and I thought they might be slowing up a bit.....Maybe I should have another crack.


  3. #3

    Re: Coupla Jacks

    Bloody good effort mate.

    Cleaned up your last pic. PM me if you want me to do the original.


    See my breeder fish photography here:
    Quality digital copies free to Ausfishers............use as wallpaper or can be printed......size up to 20 x16. PM for details.

  4. #4

    Re: Coupla Jacks

    nice jacks,great pics,jacks will still be around for a little while yet i reckon, i got busted up 3 times,1 i reckon was def. a jack,other 2 maybes,using livies to
    If i could get paid the same to fish, sorry boss but i ......!

  5. #5

    Re: Coupla Jacks

    Yeah mate the jack season lasts a lot longer than most think. You just need to put in a bit more effort and livies def produce more fish.

  6. #6

    Re: Coupla Jacks

    Nice Jacks mate. Top effort.
    En el amor y la guerra, todo hueco es trinchera.

  7. #7

    Re: Coupla Jacks

    Good effort mate. Theyre still out there, but not in the same numbers.

    Yes, the bigger jacks have moved on. Last 3 or 4 trips to my usual spot has produced very little, just some small cod.

    Glad to see someones getting into em. I might have to follow geoff to his spot??


  8. #8

    Re: Coupla Jacks

    Some nice little jacks the CV

    My Last 5 bream trips have ended up with 5 lost sx40's and my trip this morning had a big jack out from cover and backed the drag off a bit and he threw the hook after a 5 min fight on 4lb main line and 4lb leader i had a net shot but didnt want to bring him in green Would of been pushin 50cm. Got the shits and came home after that.

  9. #9

    Re: Coupla Jacks

    Quote Originally Posted by Why-ting View Post
    Some nice little jacks the CV

    My Last 5 bream trips have ended up with 5 lost sx40's and my trip this morning had a big jack out from cover and backed the drag off a bit and he threw the hook after a 5 min fight on 4lb main line and 4lb leader i had a net shot but didnt want to bring him in green Would of been pushin 50cm. Got the shits and came home after that.
    50cm mate. Looks like you need a ffew new sx40's. I'm heading into town for a look this arvo if you're lucky.

    CV: Nice jacks mate. Very humid over here in Malysia, pity about the water being so polluted. Did manage a nice Queenie around the 1m mark while stopped over in Darwin but no Jacks sad to say. I got some tips on where they are for the return trip tho.

    Cheers, Rich

  10. #10

    Re: Coupla Jacks

    Nice Jacks there.Well done.How heavy is that leader if I may ask??

  11. #11

    Re: Coupla Jacks

    logically you would think that the larger jacks would be around estuary entrances and inshore reefs as they move out of the nursary towards the breeding grounds.

  12. #12

    Re: Coupla Jacks

    Whyting- Sounds like the bream fishings getting a bit expensive mate. Will be time to chase flatties soon.

    Sharkbait-Normally go with 50lb but the first one was on 80lb. Might sound like severe overkill but the score at that one snag now stands at something like 17-3 to the red boys.

    Rando-Yeah mate that same snag was loaded with very big fish and it seems they have moved on which is almost a blessing. It was getting to a stage where it was becoming a chore fishing it because the outcome was always the same. I'm sure there's still one or 2 good ones around the area.

  13. #13

    Re: Coupla Jacks

    Sweet feed bloke. Was that up bells

  14. #14

    Re: Coupla Jacks

    some nice jacks mate you can catch jacks in winter if you really want there around all year just not as active just think they still have to eat, i will be posting up some nice jack photos soon from this season, and one pb 62cm jack should be up soon.cheers

  15. #15

    Re: Coupla Jacks

    Nice jacks there mate, i think you're right about the season lasting a bit longer than people think, they still have to eat!

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