took my wife linda and our son ryan out for a bit of a look around sunday morning up hayes and the like in search of a lizard . we flicked gulps around for a while till ryan wanted in on the action grabbing the rod off linda saying "my turn" then next thing i know he was walking up along the rod locker towards me with rod in hand saying "move daddy move"and the little bugger pushed me away from the foot control and started steering the boat on his own being a little wayward but he knew what he was doing.
linda was casting it out for him and he was doing all the retrieving with a stop start type of motion that didn't look that bad in the water and i said to linda " i bet ya he jags one here" and blow me down after the next cast linda said "he's snagged" and i turned around to see the snag swimming off in the opposite direction and ryan was sticking it to this fish and fought it to the boat where it surfaced and we all said "holy crap" so with a great net shot from mummy and dad helped in the final stages ryan had his first fish on plastic and on 6lb leader.
we were both so proud of him we almost had the water works happening and all he could say was "more fish daddy".
we then had a cast for some prawns for tea and he liked picking them up even more than catching the big fish , was one of those days that will stick in the memory forever.
cheers swano
p/s the flatty went 65cm and just on 5lbs we decided to keep it so he could show his sister and the neighbours and he loves eating fish as well, but i normally wouldn't keep the big girls.