My fishing knowledge is almost zero.
I am a bushwalker, have done two solos of 2 & 3 weeks in the Kimberley (Drysdale River NP and Prince Regent River headwaters areas; --warning: don't do this at home, kids--) where I supported the 500g/day of food carried in by fishing with a handline. I had only a few metres of line (half of which I lost to fish more clever than I) and a number of small hooks (May/June; too far away from the sea for barra).
Fishing in the creeks was easy: 1 minute per fish, mostly Sooty Grunters which taste lovely, especially in coconut curry. At night, under my headlamp's beam, I could see the cherabun (river prawn) walk about along the rocks, and once I caught one; but mostly, the Sooty Grunters were much quicker to take the bait (freeze-dried mutton chops).
My question to you experts: how can I catch cherabun (or other kinds of river prawns), i.e. how do I prevent *fish* from taking the bait "away"?
Given the fact that I am struggling to keep my pack weight down (the Kimberley gorges are very hard work), I do not want to carry any additional equipment that is not multi-purpose, or that is heavier than, say, 200 g.
Looking forward to your hints with bated and baited breath,