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Thread: Wello, Green & St-Helana by Kayak

  1. #1

    Smile Wello, Green & St-Helana by Kayak

    Paddled out from Wello to Green and drifted around a bit. Picked up grinner - then a Sole and then a nice 45cm flatty. Had to paddle back to wello at this point to meet someone.

    Waited around quite a bit - and then paddled out again and around Green. Got slammed twice on bonito baits - possibly a shark. Water was fairly shallow, about 1 meter or so. Heavy runs and then it just spat the hook. Leaving just the bonito head.

    Paddled around quite a bit more - but was getting a hard time by the swell and chop.

    Picked up a 4kg Sweetlip. Bloody huge fish - but dropped it as I was trying to de-hook it. Time was getting lated so I paddled back - but had a very hard time with the current.

    What really got me steaming was when I reached the ramp - it was covered in Squire frames - most less than 25cm. There was heaps of them. They hadn't even been filleted that well. I have no idea who left this mess - but rest assured this is a great way to ruin a fishing ground and have it turned into a no-fishing zone.

    Anyway a damm good paddle and heaps of exercise.
    Tight lines, Look Cool - Act Cool - Be Cool

    Ocean Kayak Prowler Elite 4.5 meter

  2. #2

    Re: Wello, Green & St-Helana by Kayak

    Good weather for you, but don't be frightened to thumb a tow from Green mate, that's a long way from Green back to any ramp. Which ramp did you launch from?

    My brother Poodroo is putting together a 3.75 old quinnie together with a 25hp Mariner. We were discussing how challenging conditions might become around wello and green.... I think he's fairly safe on a day like today if you can do it OK. Well done!


  3. #3

    Re: Wello, Green & St-Helana by Kayak

    what did you get the sweetlip on? must have been a nice fish, at least you got to see it.

  4. #4

    Re: Wello, Green & St-Helana by Kayak

    I used a Gar bait
    Tight lines, Look Cool - Act Cool - Be Cool

    Ocean Kayak Prowler Elite 4.5 meter

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