Judgiing by recent posts I am not the only one to have noticed - the Flathead are back. The fight is a little tame when compared to the few encounters I have been having with the GTs through the summer down on the Goldie - but I love catching them and they taste better.
I decided to fish down at Buckleys Hole on Bribie for a few hours early on Saturday morning and I was rewarded with 4 flathead - 3 of them were keepers. All taken on plastics - Gulp Shrimp 2" Natural and 3" New Penny. On the last cast the New Penny Shrimp was also walloped by a 40 cm Pike.
I also attach a pic of a 49cm model I got last week at Pinkenba on the Brisbane River. I hope its safe to say there will be more and more about in the coming months and I can't wait to get into them.