hi all!
got out there this morning around 4.45, heaps of boat traffic. thought id try out my new handheld GPS with a run out in the dark. worked a treat and was fishing my fav spot in no time. also had a new shimano snapper rod and shimano sahara 4000 reel i was keen to put through its paces. didn't take long before the super smooth drag was peeling off, only to lose the bloody thing near the boat. my mate was next with a keeper squire that went 41cm. i managed one at 38cm, but we decided to only start taking 40+ squire, so back she went. couple of moses perch and bream later and it all went quiet around 7.45.
decided we would go for a run to harries and if nothing else, get a GPS mark for a night run. lots of boats out that way and we came across a few boils (first time) which would have been great if i had the right gear!! the current seems to race through there, can anyone give me any suggestions on what sort of rigs to use for bait, and are there fish out there that would warrent the need for a TLD25 overhead combo (saw a few being used) anyways, threw a few baits over before i had a feeling the wind was about to come up. headed back to wello and before long the whitecaps were all over the bay so we loaded up and went home. gave the only keeper to a lady at the ramp who had a few already to go with it.
great morning on the bay, and the hardy heads were jumping all over the place at wello, at one stage they boiled up right next to the boat and frightened the sh!t out of me!!!few pics. first one is from last week, 3 squire and a sweet lip, and the rest from this morning.