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I sort of expect that if people make statements then they would have the info to support the statement. But then we won't get too excited about current affair media sensationalism, talk about one sided stories.
Now to find out more about it one has to forget all the rhetoric, political grandstanding and the "invested interest" groups.
Boaties in the US have had some major issues with ethanol yet we over here ignore all that and carry on re-inventing the wheel. Ethanol might have a place of purpose in some applications but slef interest groups trying to drum up mandatory use use of ethanol in all fuels are nothing more than attempting to fullfill their own self interest goal!
So lets ask the question, How much energy does it take to make ethanol?
Really there is heaps and heaps of info out there if one really wants to look for it, just depends if you really want to know?
Here's one reason why you would not use ethanol in an outboard. Ethanol is hygroscopic, it will absorb moisture directly from the air and in the case of 2S's the last thing one wants sitting on the bores, bearings, journals etc is 10% water!
There is a negative sides to ethanol but the self interest groups conveniently forget these!
Regards, Kerry.