Hi Pinhead
Did you get the email? Tomorrow?
Hi Pinhead
Did you get the email? Tomorrow?
What could go wrong.......................
Craig, If it is a totally closed system then your outboard simply would not run, has to have a vent or a breather somewhere! There are several ways water can enter even a proper closed system.....1. My 80L under floor fuel tank has stamped on the screw on cap -non venting- this would be a CLOSED SYSTEM would it not, and there is no where between the tank and the motor a (water seperating fuel filter), only an inline fuel filter (factory fitted) there is no way water can get in to the system unless i leave the cap off....
And if you have not got a filter & water separator between the tank and the outboard (currently only relying on the under cowl poor excuse for a filter) then I would recommend you fit one. Water separation is by far more important then a straight fuel filter.
Regards, Kerry.
It's called energy pinhead, you know like the battery bunny the more enery per unit the further the bunny goes1. what does the quantity of BTU's have to do with anything ?
Last edited by Kerry; 22-04-2007 at 05:57 PM.
yeah really Kerry...it is actually heat energy..stands for British Thermal Unit...1 BTU is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree fahrenheit...has absolutely nothing to do with energiser bunnies at all...so do you want to answer my question but in terminolgy used these days..as in watts or kW..still amazes me that the outboard industry is a little slow on the up with using metric terms.
BTU's per gallon...now that is a blast from the past.
thought it might have been easier for you to understand Pinhead Bunnies and all
So then you would also understand to should be paying a lot less for ethanol laced fuel than what you are, as it simply doesn't have the same value for money as straight fuel!
Yamaha do not recomend the use of ethanol blended fuels and it will viod warranty on outboard engines . information direct from yamaha .
cheers fae haggis .........................
Nah I remember that show as well but it was a lot more recent. The show I was refering to was definitely about ethanol in fuels and they sampled fuel from several stations all over the country. They do pick on the fuel companies a fair bit too. Another ACA show just last year was about them not giving us the correct amount of fuel and once again took a 5 litre fuel container to several stations and surprise surprise, they didn't get 5 litres worth in any of them although a few came close but that's another story.
Last edited by Poodroo; 23-04-2007 at 06:54 AM.
Kerry i don't like to single people out but i cant think of any way water or water vapor could enter a closed fuel system that is properly functioning. Only sources of water i can think of are outside contamination during distribution/storage. Could you elaborate on your thoughts on how this could happen?
Your right BTU have got something to do with it although BTU is an old term SI is normally used in metric nations. It may be messure heat energy but may be used in mathematic comparison.
Prices... yeah it should be lower although not as low as some people may think, roughly it should be around 3 cents lower at a terminal gate price. I know lots of companies still say it will void your warranty and I would not be one to tell you to go and use it in such a product, although these companies through time will all join the affair. Technology innovation is the key to a successful company, thats the way the market is heading therefore thats the way their products will lead, just means they will have to make their products of a higher standard.
Love the topic Poodroo. I can understand completly what you have asked. Although I dont have an answer I thought some people could answer in a lot shorter format. Oh... to me you didnt sound like a sales geek. Just an honest question. Im now scarred to start a topic just in case I get shot down.
Why is all the good weather around on weekdays?
The 3 cents per litre less for etahnol well wonders will never cease ????
In my part of the world PULP has always (and up until at least last week) around 9 cents a litre more than ULP.
So they introduce ethanol and this week ethanol is the same price at ULP was last week and now ULP is only 6 cents a litre less then PULP. BUT yes ethanol is still 3 cents a litre less than ULP.
Gee petrol companies are a mob of miserable sneaky bastards.
Regards, Kerry.
Contamination is not an everyday event but contamination depending on the supplier can/has/will be one of those things with water. Unfortuneately one doesn't become aware of this until the whole show comes to a complete stop and one is bobbing around on the water, trying to change filters.
Practice is to stay away from low volume suppliers but then if one cops the bottom of a tank then water is a fiar bet.
As for closed systems, boats do not have closed systems as apposed to vehicles, so they are open to the atmosphere as well as in rough conditions a half full tank can/will suck it's own water through the breather.
Regards, Kerry.